A long overdue and awaited first blog. Trusting everyones 2011 has been off to a good start, if not dont worry there is still another 11months to go to make yet another memorable year. For all of those that were on holiday during the festive season I envy you but I eventually got my turn just last week to get some much needed rest and relaxation. As Corey Taylor would put it A vacation is a countdown, T minus your life and counting. Time to drag your tongue across the sugar cube and hope you get a taste
Finding myself with time on my hands I decided to pick up an old hobby and put pencil to paper in an attempt to do some fan art I hope you like the result. This sexy little goddesses eyes captivated me in her set "Stop Go" her cheeky elegance and haunting beauty reflects the power and sexuality of the goddess Aphrodite.
Kohana aka. Little flower

I also must share a sneak peak of her upcoming set scheduled in member review for the 6th February. Hope you all enjoy
Finding myself with time on my hands I decided to pick up an old hobby and put pencil to paper in an attempt to do some fan art I hope you like the result. This sexy little goddesses eyes captivated me in her set "Stop Go" her cheeky elegance and haunting beauty reflects the power and sexuality of the goddess Aphrodite.
Kohana aka. Little flower

I also must share a sneak peak of her upcoming set scheduled in member review for the 6th February. Hope you all enjoy

I think you need a blog update?
Gah a year without an update!