Hi everybody!
finally i have some time to write here...i've been a very bad girl for not find any free time at all and write some stuff here!
well,it's not that i have some great news or the cure for some disease ,but anyway it's so nice around here that i feel bad anyway!!
My parents were in london and i spent christmas in italy with them and the rest of the holiday here withthem,it's weird having your parents at your home when u are used to live alone but it went very well and i 'm very sorry to have left them alone ,i'm her only child and i'm very close to them i like living here and ithere's no way i could live in cagliari again,but still i feel like i betray them...fortunaately they know how much i love them and i guess parents knows that someday their children will grow up and leave them ..
anyway...the 17th is mybirthday can u believe that?
I wil be 25!!!
I'm not really happy about it if u ask me!
I don't feel like a 25 years old girl,i still feel like an adolescent..
So i'm not planning to do any party,i guess i will go to some restaurant and eat till i blown up!
In other news..everybody knows that i'm obsessed with cinema and dvd,i have around 900 original dvd at home and a all lot of action figures,poster,books,mugs and all kind of shit about movies,and i've found another series that i love:
It's called "Curb your enthusiasm" and it's unbelievably funny!!
tomorrow i will buy the fourth series,unfortunately it goes up only to five..sob sob!!!
these days i'm listening to Pearl jam a lot and i'm in love with the song called "Black",listen to it if u ever get a chance....
okay time to go i guess..!!!!
i've got nothing but love for y'all,
finally i have some time to write here...i've been a very bad girl for not find any free time at all and write some stuff here!
well,it's not that i have some great news or the cure for some disease ,but anyway it's so nice around here that i feel bad anyway!!
My parents were in london and i spent christmas in italy with them and the rest of the holiday here withthem,it's weird having your parents at your home when u are used to live alone but it went very well and i 'm very sorry to have left them alone ,i'm her only child and i'm very close to them i like living here and ithere's no way i could live in cagliari again,but still i feel like i betray them...fortunaately they know how much i love them and i guess parents knows that someday their children will grow up and leave them ..
anyway...the 17th is mybirthday can u believe that?
I wil be 25!!!
I'm not really happy about it if u ask me!
I don't feel like a 25 years old girl,i still feel like an adolescent..
So i'm not planning to do any party,i guess i will go to some restaurant and eat till i blown up!
In other news..everybody knows that i'm obsessed with cinema and dvd,i have around 900 original dvd at home and a all lot of action figures,poster,books,mugs and all kind of shit about movies,and i've found another series that i love:
It's called "Curb your enthusiasm" and it's unbelievably funny!!
tomorrow i will buy the fourth series,unfortunately it goes up only to five..sob sob!!!
these days i'm listening to Pearl jam a lot and i'm in love with the song called "Black",listen to it if u ever get a chance....
okay time to go i guess..!!!!
i've got nothing but love for y'all,

Walks The Night
happy birthday gorgeus beaty cutie lady!!!
best wishes for you