So front page chicka ginebra is gorgeous. her vag is very nice too, I usually dont like really thin girls vagina area. its the muscles that i dont like for some reason.....
DISCLAIMER: THIS GIRL IS VERY SEXY...... Dont get me wrong!!!!!! I just am not a huge fan of the inner upper thigh tendon!
but for some reason I really like ginebra's!!!!

I am a big fan of slight outty vaginas....

innies are nice looking but i feel like they need some more meat and large outties are just strange to me. Even tho I have a good size outtie... its weird how some girls have small labias and others have big ones... I want to have labia reconstructive surgery. I would be willing to put my fake boobs on hold to have a smaller labia....
ok completely new topic... i had a crazy discussion with a coworker.... keep in mind.... I work in the food service industry..... SCAREY!!!!
me: whats up... you look like you are really concentrating!!! LOL
cw: I am just thinking about something....
me: LOL Whats up? Whatcha thinking about?!
cw: why are buggars salty??
me: IDK why are you eating buggars?!
cw: no no no i am not eating them, I picked my nose and forgot to wash my hands and i bit my nail
me (talking a step away from cw) GO WASH YOUR NASTEY ASS HANDS BUGGAR EATER!!!

DISCLAIMER: THIS GIRL IS VERY SEXY...... Dont get me wrong!!!!!! I just am not a huge fan of the inner upper thigh tendon!
but for some reason I really like ginebra's!!!!

I am a big fan of slight outty vaginas....

innies are nice looking but i feel like they need some more meat and large outties are just strange to me. Even tho I have a good size outtie... its weird how some girls have small labias and others have big ones... I want to have labia reconstructive surgery. I would be willing to put my fake boobs on hold to have a smaller labia....
ok completely new topic... i had a crazy discussion with a coworker.... keep in mind.... I work in the food service industry..... SCAREY!!!!
me: whats up... you look like you are really concentrating!!! LOL
cw: I am just thinking about something....
me: LOL Whats up? Whatcha thinking about?!
cw: why are buggars salty??
me: IDK why are you eating buggars?!
cw: no no no i am not eating them, I picked my nose and forgot to wash my hands and i bit my nail
me (talking a step away from cw) GO WASH YOUR NASTEY ASS HANDS BUGGAR EATER!!!
I love vag of all kinds but outties do give me something to suck on.
That is definitely something I would like a nibble on