Hi!!! So I got a camera for Christmas! I know i know, its not christmas yet but hey, what my mom doesnt know wont hurt her, she thinks it is under my tree... I dont even have a tree!!! LOL SO the exciting news for you guys is, MORE PHOTO BLOGS!!! YEA!!!! I know everyone is super excited now!!!
I am house sitting again this week and so i have been able to get on the internet! YEA! that means i get to look at all your sexy faces! BUT From Saturday thru like Jan 5th or somthing i wont be able to blog or look at you or anything! I am kinda sad about that, i need to buy a computer, butttt, i am broke but i am trying to save up for it! so hopefully soon i will have one and i will be able to post naughty pics and random blogs up anytime!!
yawn! I slept till 1 pm today! I was super excited when i lookesd at the clock and it was past 8 am. I hate waking up early, i despise it!!! lol!
Things are going well for me lately and i am really excited for things to come! I am working and all my managers like me! I am living in a place where i only have to sleep on the couch if i want to! I stopped seeing all the boys who make me sad and only use me for things. My army recruiter is very interested in my life and is actually doing her job (she is the first one so far). I am getting motivated to make my life go somewhere. I am planning a cruise this summer, when i get full details i will let you all know and you should all come!!!
I am fairly sure Photojournalist is going to if he can get the time off!!! I love seeing him!! he is the best ever!!! I actually had a naughty dream about him last night!!! tehe!!!
well, i think that is all for now. love love love!!!!
This is Buster and the Deomn cat (kitkat) I am babysitting!!
This is me and my baby!!! Buster Boy!!!
And me!

I am house sitting again this week and so i have been able to get on the internet! YEA! that means i get to look at all your sexy faces! BUT From Saturday thru like Jan 5th or somthing i wont be able to blog or look at you or anything! I am kinda sad about that, i need to buy a computer, butttt, i am broke but i am trying to save up for it! so hopefully soon i will have one and i will be able to post naughty pics and random blogs up anytime!!
yawn! I slept till 1 pm today! I was super excited when i lookesd at the clock and it was past 8 am. I hate waking up early, i despise it!!! lol!
Things are going well for me lately and i am really excited for things to come! I am working and all my managers like me! I am living in a place where i only have to sleep on the couch if i want to! I stopped seeing all the boys who make me sad and only use me for things. My army recruiter is very interested in my life and is actually doing her job (she is the first one so far). I am getting motivated to make my life go somewhere. I am planning a cruise this summer, when i get full details i will let you all know and you should all come!!!

well, i think that is all for now. love love love!!!!
This is Buster and the Deomn cat (kitkat) I am babysitting!!

This is me and my baby!!! Buster Boy!!!

And me!

yay! photoblogs from you = awesome! hope holidays went well!
Hey how was your new years?