I'm quite happy. This is wrong.
I'm being responsible (apart from saturday night where i upchucked in my bag and my bed) This is also wrong
I've got a bit too competitive with a mate over how many days worth of music we have on our itunes.
him; 29 days. Me; 2. I'm going to lose. This is VERY VERY wrong.
But he introduced me to Harvey Birdman, and a love was born across humanoid and ornathological boundaries. It's so right.
- My Mum's parrott now says "Where's that naughty pussy?" which made me choke.
- Joke by Robin Ince regarding the increasing sexiness of female british news presenters; "I can watch hospital closures AND have an erection." He's even funnier in person.
"Have a baby, They're hilarious!" "No their fucking not! They're rubbish, i got NO new material from it AT ALL!"
- Everybody should watch OLDBOY, it's awesome. Thundercats as well. I Lord of the Thundercats command it.!
- Yeah so Saturday, i had about five snakebites in the space of two hours and about a gazillion shots, i kissed someone i shouldn't have and regret it thoroughly, shouted at my friend because i couldn't find MY cloakroom ticket and left. HE then started to cry and lost the ability to see. He fell over and laid on the ground until a taxi turned up. I woke up at six the next morning in my own filth and spent three hours cleaning. I phoned him at nine and we both; "agreed, what a brilliant night." Then i had to go to a carvery and watch men argue over star wars figures. It was the best day i'd had in a long time.
Got a two day rave coming up..let's see how i manage to survive that one shall we?
i loves my girls, perhaps too much considering i get accused of being a lesbian by people who observe us.
The three east europeans, wifey, wifey and mistress
Some perv comedian (Phil Nichol) looking down my top.
That was from a few months ago, likes that picture i does.
I know i'm writing like an idiot, but i've got a cold, its making me trip out. I was convinced we were going to get letter bombed this morning.
So i'm going to Australia, how muchos grande? El Scorchio Grande! (i've decided that pigeon spanish slang is the way for me to go and bump up my coolness.)
I'm being responsible (apart from saturday night where i upchucked in my bag and my bed) This is also wrong
I've got a bit too competitive with a mate over how many days worth of music we have on our itunes.
him; 29 days. Me; 2. I'm going to lose. This is VERY VERY wrong.
But he introduced me to Harvey Birdman, and a love was born across humanoid and ornathological boundaries. It's so right.

- My Mum's parrott now says "Where's that naughty pussy?" which made me choke.
- Joke by Robin Ince regarding the increasing sexiness of female british news presenters; "I can watch hospital closures AND have an erection." He's even funnier in person.
"Have a baby, They're hilarious!" "No their fucking not! They're rubbish, i got NO new material from it AT ALL!"
- Everybody should watch OLDBOY, it's awesome. Thundercats as well. I Lord of the Thundercats command it.!
- Yeah so Saturday, i had about five snakebites in the space of two hours and about a gazillion shots, i kissed someone i shouldn't have and regret it thoroughly, shouted at my friend because i couldn't find MY cloakroom ticket and left. HE then started to cry and lost the ability to see. He fell over and laid on the ground until a taxi turned up. I woke up at six the next morning in my own filth and spent three hours cleaning. I phoned him at nine and we both; "agreed, what a brilliant night." Then i had to go to a carvery and watch men argue over star wars figures. It was the best day i'd had in a long time.

Got a two day rave coming up..let's see how i manage to survive that one shall we?

i loves my girls, perhaps too much considering i get accused of being a lesbian by people who observe us.

The three east europeans, wifey, wifey and mistress

Some perv comedian (Phil Nichol) looking down my top.

That was from a few months ago, likes that picture i does.
I know i'm writing like an idiot, but i've got a cold, its making me trip out. I was convinced we were going to get letter bombed this morning.
So i'm going to Australia, how muchos grande? El Scorchio Grande! (i've decided that pigeon spanish slang is the way for me to go and bump up my coolness.)
Yes yes, i am THAT cool.
"Avoid freud, Full Throttle Aristole." - But don't Aristotle was just as wrong as Freud.
i soooo want that on a belt buckle. That is all.
Hope you're all well.
That is actually all.
im an emotional mercenary.