In the past five minutes trying to show you my bender in a bun best friend and in an effort to get the cable from under the bed i had a mirror drop on my head and stabbed myself in the face with stray stilletto. Bastard things.
just because he's a legend,
ahh my wife knows all about the chicken,
i was thinking the other day how bizzarre it is that ever since i was a child i've always got on better with men, and always spent more time with them. But a wonderous revalation hit me yesterday that most of my best friends these days are girls and absolutely awesome. Even if they do still all go to the toilet in groups...will never get that.
So for them, merry christmas. My wife, and my wife's mistress.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
I almost forget what life lesson i would be up to, so i had to go back and check
ho ho ho and Merry Christmas in advance also