I 'ave decided that each blog i will put one or two life lessons at the end, because my life is full of;
I just want to read doctor who fanfiction... then again.
Maybe House fanfiction instead
Yesterday i was in WHSmiths at Liverpool Street, looking at the magazines and i bought the new addition of the radio times because one of the articles on a period drama looked interesting. This is the shape my life has taken.
I've booked tickets to go and see Hamlet just because it's got David Tennant in it... A YEAR IN ADVANCE.
Running up and down the kitchen laughing manically to myself the other night i exactly pinpointed the reason why i was going to die alone.
Why does apple juice look so suspiciously like wee?
My mums boyfriend spent 800 quid on a parrot that thinks it's a cat, there are people starving all over the world and he pays that amount of money for something thats got an identity problem and he's scared of it.
- i might have mentioned this before but it angers me.
Poor matt had to do a stocktake yesterday and he didn't even get bummed for 'the intimacy'
Somebody i knew a few years back died yesterday, the whole of my old school know about it and have banded together, his sister has had to give an interview to our local rag already. Some people have no conception of the idea of empathy.
I grow increasingly annoyed that i let my psycho ex boyfriend touch me sexually when we were together. Its like a series of horrible flashbacks.. oh god, i'm actually willing my hymen to grow back now.
Me, my mum and my dad are playing happy families even though they haven't been together for about 16 years and my mum forced me into buying a pair of jeans today
Can anyone find me a nice boy?? Jeez i sound like fucking pinocchio, a gay one mind.
I just want to read doctor who fanfiction... then again.
Maybe House fanfiction instead
Yesterday i was in WHSmiths at Liverpool Street, looking at the magazines and i bought the new addition of the radio times because one of the articles on a period drama looked interesting. This is the shape my life has taken.
I've booked tickets to go and see Hamlet just because it's got David Tennant in it... A YEAR IN ADVANCE.
Running up and down the kitchen laughing manically to myself the other night i exactly pinpointed the reason why i was going to die alone.
Why does apple juice look so suspiciously like wee?
My mums boyfriend spent 800 quid on a parrot that thinks it's a cat, there are people starving all over the world and he pays that amount of money for something thats got an identity problem and he's scared of it.
- i might have mentioned this before but it angers me.
Poor matt had to do a stocktake yesterday and he didn't even get bummed for 'the intimacy'
Somebody i knew a few years back died yesterday, the whole of my old school know about it and have banded together, his sister has had to give an interview to our local rag already. Some people have no conception of the idea of empathy.
I grow increasingly annoyed that i let my psycho ex boyfriend touch me sexually when we were together. Its like a series of horrible flashbacks.. oh god, i'm actually willing my hymen to grow back now.
Me, my mum and my dad are playing happy families even though they haven't been together for about 16 years and my mum forced me into buying a pair of jeans today
Can anyone find me a nice boy?? Jeez i sound like fucking pinocchio, a gay one mind.
Six o clock in the morning baby, i've got a long long day ahead of me..
Oh and next week i'm bombing it down to B-TOWN!!
my saving grace right now.
[EDIT] Got my hair cut today, hope you like poser Kate she don't come out often, so make the most of it and ridicule her as much as she deserves. I love my hairdresser he's awesome.
Oh and i'm seeing magicians tomorrow... whhhhhhy. My wife ask me i go
one more sleep and then your done have fun!

my god, i love you all, you're such legends. x