Darkness cannot chase away darkness, only light can do that,
Hate cannot stop hate, only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, or thereabouts.

He helps... my families children always end up derranged.
I went back to Whitby but nowhere seems to hold any peace for me anymore. Lame.

At least i'm more motivated, uni is going quite well just sorting out what i'm doing for my final year psychology project. It's hard work but something close to my heart so i'm sure it'll turn out ok in the end.

ok, lets get gay.

Ya know what, i'm editing this because i'm in a bitchy mood and i need to get things off my chest.
The arses that i work with/ used to work with.. in the same place that i did about two years ago, those people have left only to have complete fucktards replace them
Sam - Drama queen, Two faced, wants to be in charge of lets face it a pretty poor pub. Mind you there must be some entertainment factor having a landlady of a pub that looks like dumbo.
John - Sam's boyfriend, lives up stairs and is 'second chef' Completely rude and arrogant fuck, who thinks he can intimidate the waitresses only to completely back down when they give as good as they get. He also invented every appliance, concept, object, word, and done every job you could concieve....my arse.
Little Steve - An alcoholic with a gambling problem. Drinks all the stock, has the textbook defintion of little man syndrome. Also acts like a teenager and screams at inanimate objects,
Rachel - Somebody i used to consider a friend until she started sleeping with all the kitchen staff and i realised how lazy she was. I refuse to work in an environment where my 'superior' does nothing and i run around doing the jobs she should be doing. The boss also wants to shag her, and therefore ignores her laziness. the crucial moment came when she drunk some of my wine without asking while she had a cold sore.
Excuse this....Cunt.
And these, are all technically my superiors. Hayz, my best friend and the assistant manager was recently the subject of a witch hunt by these prats, she got demoted. I'm fucking fuming.
Going to working on the year old accepted suicide girl application soon. i don;t beat around the bush
Hate cannot stop hate, only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, or thereabouts.

He helps... my families children always end up derranged.
I went back to Whitby but nowhere seems to hold any peace for me anymore. Lame.

At least i'm more motivated, uni is going quite well just sorting out what i'm doing for my final year psychology project. It's hard work but something close to my heart so i'm sure it'll turn out ok in the end.

ok, lets get gay.

Ya know what, i'm editing this because i'm in a bitchy mood and i need to get things off my chest.
The arses that i work with/ used to work with.. in the same place that i did about two years ago, those people have left only to have complete fucktards replace them
Sam - Drama queen, Two faced, wants to be in charge of lets face it a pretty poor pub. Mind you there must be some entertainment factor having a landlady of a pub that looks like dumbo.
John - Sam's boyfriend, lives up stairs and is 'second chef' Completely rude and arrogant fuck, who thinks he can intimidate the waitresses only to completely back down when they give as good as they get. He also invented every appliance, concept, object, word, and done every job you could concieve....my arse.
Little Steve - An alcoholic with a gambling problem. Drinks all the stock, has the textbook defintion of little man syndrome. Also acts like a teenager and screams at inanimate objects,
Rachel - Somebody i used to consider a friend until she started sleeping with all the kitchen staff and i realised how lazy she was. I refuse to work in an environment where my 'superior' does nothing and i run around doing the jobs she should be doing. The boss also wants to shag her, and therefore ignores her laziness. the crucial moment came when she drunk some of my wine without asking while she had a cold sore.
Excuse this....Cunt.
And these, are all technically my superiors. Hayz, my best friend and the assistant manager was recently the subject of a witch hunt by these prats, she got demoted. I'm fucking fuming.
Going to working on the year old accepted suicide girl application soon. i don;t beat around the bush
Yes, I am traveling; lot's of changes coming soon...
Speaking of change; sounds like you need a new job...
Hope you're well otherwise...