I have been slacking, I realize. It's been a tough week. School started on tuesday. I only have one class, but the class is a graduate level and requires hundreds of pages of the bible to be read each week. Right now, we're looking at the Jewish text and comparing it to William Blake's own ideals of being a prophet. It's horribly interesting. It's also been making me think a lot about religion and what I believe in and so forth. In the past few months, I've become very interested in Judaism and would like to learn more about the Jewish faith. I've always been more intrigued by the "Old Testiment" and would love to some day meet with a Rhabbi to discuss the issues at hand. Being raised Catholic, this doesn't really make my folks happy. Oh well.
How has everyone else been? I promise to catch up with the responses this week. I'm hoping that work will slow down a bit so I'm not dead tired when I come home.
Oh, and I've also decided that I want to have a family. This is weird for me. Does anyone want to be my husband?
How has everyone else been? I promise to catch up with the responses this week. I'm hoping that work will slow down a bit so I'm not dead tired when I come home.
Oh, and I've also decided that I want to have a family. This is weird for me. Does anyone want to be my husband?
I think the curtains definitely have to match the china. PINK!
It would be nice... /me dreams of waking up to the uber sexy Delilah_Banks.
Must go now Too much, brain brain is exploding.