New Journal Entry:
My photo is on God's fridge. God is also wild about me.
I love marquees in the front of churches.
If everyone's picture is on the front of God's fridge, how big do you think his fridge is? And why would God need a fridge anyway? And if he has one, does that mean there are grocery stores in Heaven? Does God buy his own groceries? Or is he like Michael Jackson?
My photo is on God's fridge. God is also wild about me.
I love marquees in the front of churches.
If everyone's picture is on the front of God's fridge, how big do you think his fridge is? And why would God need a fridge anyway? And if he has one, does that mean there are grocery stores in Heaven? Does God buy his own groceries? Or is he like Michael Jackson?
I thought there was no hunger once you got to heaven. If he does have a fridge, is it the kind that has the top freezer, or is it the kind that's split down the middle?
hey sweetie, soz for long ime no speakies!! whoa, alot of questions about god here! it's making me think too much!!!
think might stick to thinking about fairs grounds and candyfloss..hehehe!