I am sick, not with an asian flu, but a german one.
my german flatmate has been sick for the past week, and in her attempt to get better, has been shutting all the windows in this tiny-ass apartment. So it is basicly become a culture sample for whatever the fuck she's got. I am living in a petrie dish.
There are two weeks left before I head back Stateside. To hubby and doggies, not to mention a the quagmire that is the United States of America.
Aw well, my little family more than outweighs the cons of America. So I don't know if that means that it isn't that bad, or lovelies are just too wicked awesome (I am going to say the latter :love
In an Unfortuante, there is going to be Drag City Record show in Osaka a few days after I leave. Only a shame in the sense of experience...but I'd rather have a hug.
my german flatmate has been sick for the past week, and in her attempt to get better, has been shutting all the windows in this tiny-ass apartment. So it is basicly become a culture sample for whatever the fuck she's got. I am living in a petrie dish.

There are two weeks left before I head back Stateside. To hubby and doggies, not to mention a the quagmire that is the United States of America.
Aw well, my little family more than outweighs the cons of America. So I don't know if that means that it isn't that bad, or lovelies are just too wicked awesome (I am going to say the latter :love

In an Unfortuante, there is going to be Drag City Record show in Osaka a few days after I leave. Only a shame in the sense of experience...but I'd rather have a hug.

How are you feeling, young lady? Hopefully better.
Ah...lame journal entry, over.