its only been like, what--20 days sice i've had the chance to update? It could be worse.
THANKS AND SMOOCHES to all who wished me a happy birthday
I'm glad
Hexe had a good time. And from what i hear icantplayguitar thorughly enjoyed have his journal pillaged.
I had a good birthday, full of bowling and big lebowski quotes.
I was in a protest march, i know people say they are pointless, and i could tend to agree, however they do bring together individuals of similar midsets and produce a certain amount of visability. and i thought it was cool so
can you use my name in a sentence?
THANKS AND SMOOCHES to all who wished me a happy birthday

I'm glad
Hexe had a good time. And from what i hear icantplayguitar thorughly enjoyed have his journal pillaged.

I had a good birthday, full of bowling and big lebowski quotes.
I was in a protest march, i know people say they are pointless, and i could tend to agree, however they do bring together individuals of similar midsets and produce a certain amount of visability. and i thought it was cool so

can you use my name in a sentence?
Ah say what ah feel.
I'd like to see more of your bum, please.