alright, some crazy shit.
so, i was drving down southern to the viaduct becasue there was a train stopped on the tracks all the way past highland (which is very rare, btw). as i come over the hill, there is a red car stopped in the oncoming right lane (its a 4 lane). while approaching the stopped car, it suddenly starts to either turn left from the right lane or get into the left lane right as another car (silver) is coming up in the left lane. the approaching car hits and nearlt FLIPS over the hood of the other car, luckily it just skids on two wheels until carshing into a electical pole, nearly hitting me.
i jump out and go to the nearest car (the silver) which is smoking, and the girl is bleeding from her broke nose and her hands are cut up. i'm helping her out of the car and getting her away from it (i guess i've seen way too many action flicks). the lady from the red car runs over and starts screaming at her about not seeing her turning. now, i was trying to ask if she is okay, but she is too busy yelling at me now, because she thinks i was in the car with the girl. then the lady's husband comes out of their house and is screaming at me and the bleeding girl. at this point, other people have stopped to help direct traffic and get the couple to calm down. apparently, other than the ladys husband, i'm the only one who saw the whole thing. everyone else just saw the silver car airborn.
so, we are waiting form the police, and various family members are taking turns, i guess, to come over and yell at the girl (ie: " I'm her mama. how dare you mess up my baby girls car like that"--i am so not making that up). i go over finally to ask if the lady is okay. her husband tell me "she's straight", and then says that i'm just asking now because i have to. ????? since i wan't with the other girl, i'm sticking with her 'cause she's white. (not because after the accident they screamed at me, not because his wife had five family members around her, while the other girl was alone and bleeding. not because i saw what i saw, regardless of race.)
he says this to me while stepping closer, and looking down at me--if someone has ever tried to intimidate you, you know what i'm talking about. so i say: "until i got to the car i didn't know what fucking color she was." he looks at me hard and asked "what did you just say?"and stepped a little closer. this ticked me off beyond my ability to control my anger (see vices) so i stepped my toes right up to his looked him in the eyes and said "i don't give a fuck what color she, or you are. got it?"
at this he backed away, then the cops came. good thing, or they may have had a whole new situation to report.
i may need to meditate more.
i'm not usually much of an existenalist, but i made unusual descions about how to get home today, that brought me to that spot, at that time, when no one else was around. i hate to think that, if i had not been there, that girl would have been alone, in shock, hardly able to get out of her car, and being screamed at by a whole family of strangers.
anyway. thats my day so far. lets see how the rest of it goes.
oh, yeah---i did my first tattoo on some tat-skin. results: meh.
so, i was drving down southern to the viaduct becasue there was a train stopped on the tracks all the way past highland (which is very rare, btw). as i come over the hill, there is a red car stopped in the oncoming right lane (its a 4 lane). while approaching the stopped car, it suddenly starts to either turn left from the right lane or get into the left lane right as another car (silver) is coming up in the left lane. the approaching car hits and nearlt FLIPS over the hood of the other car, luckily it just skids on two wheels until carshing into a electical pole, nearly hitting me.
i jump out and go to the nearest car (the silver) which is smoking, and the girl is bleeding from her broke nose and her hands are cut up. i'm helping her out of the car and getting her away from it (i guess i've seen way too many action flicks). the lady from the red car runs over and starts screaming at her about not seeing her turning. now, i was trying to ask if she is okay, but she is too busy yelling at me now, because she thinks i was in the car with the girl. then the lady's husband comes out of their house and is screaming at me and the bleeding girl. at this point, other people have stopped to help direct traffic and get the couple to calm down. apparently, other than the ladys husband, i'm the only one who saw the whole thing. everyone else just saw the silver car airborn.
so, we are waiting form the police, and various family members are taking turns, i guess, to come over and yell at the girl (ie: " I'm her mama. how dare you mess up my baby girls car like that"--i am so not making that up). i go over finally to ask if the lady is okay. her husband tell me "she's straight", and then says that i'm just asking now because i have to. ????? since i wan't with the other girl, i'm sticking with her 'cause she's white. (not because after the accident they screamed at me, not because his wife had five family members around her, while the other girl was alone and bleeding. not because i saw what i saw, regardless of race.)
he says this to me while stepping closer, and looking down at me--if someone has ever tried to intimidate you, you know what i'm talking about. so i say: "until i got to the car i didn't know what fucking color she was." he looks at me hard and asked "what did you just say?"and stepped a little closer. this ticked me off beyond my ability to control my anger (see vices) so i stepped my toes right up to his looked him in the eyes and said "i don't give a fuck what color she, or you are. got it?"
at this he backed away, then the cops came. good thing, or they may have had a whole new situation to report.
i may need to meditate more.
i'm not usually much of an existenalist, but i made unusual descions about how to get home today, that brought me to that spot, at that time, when no one else was around. i hate to think that, if i had not been there, that girl would have been alone, in shock, hardly able to get out of her car, and being screamed at by a whole family of strangers.
anyway. thats my day so far. lets see how the rest of it goes.
oh, yeah---i did my first tattoo on some tat-skin. results: meh.

Those people made the mistake and start yelling at you for helping that ppor girl?What happened when the police came? did you tell them what happened?
Yeah I know what you are talking about, with the intimidating and stuuf, it's fucked up and scary and makes you angry, even if you weren't.
I got intmidated like that once and I was so angry afterwards I thrashed my bothroom and cut my foot while kicking on a stupid fucking bottle.
People shouldn't mess with other people's heads like that!
I hope they had to pay for everything, and I hope the police found drugs in their car or alcohol in their blood, that would be so sweet! heheheh