i'm being flown to chicago at the end of december for a job interview. its to be a flight attendant, its really odd because, i put in my res on a whim and, i guess, they are pretty interested in lil ol me. the thing that i am nerrvy about is the relocation thing. hubby and doggie would stay put until 1. i know i like it and will be keeping the job 2. brett finds a job that has comparable pay to what he has now. which may not be that bad...i'm just a little gun-shy, now
on the up-side...the PLACES that i might "get sent to" ahem: chicago, denver, colorado springs, portland, san fransisco, l.a., anahime, sacramento, san diego, salt lake city, tucson.
oh...i guess i can deal with that.
on the up-side...the PLACES that i might "get sent to" ahem: chicago, denver, colorado springs, portland, san fransisco, l.a., anahime, sacramento, san diego, salt lake city, tucson.
oh...i guess i can deal with that.
Good luck and all that jazz