Okay, so I have decided to adopt a more observatory approach, and let nature take it's course:
I have tried everything to kill the vegas greeblies that have set up permanent housekeeping in my nippy holes, but nothing seems to work. The holistic approach only made them swollen, the antibacterial approach made them dry and cracked, and the no-holds-barred-hit-it-with-everything-short-of-lysol approach seems only to amuse this unfathomably evil bacteria..... whatever I try, the crust still crusts, the ooze still oozes, and the cracks keep crackin'.... I have been foiled by monocellular organisms.
In keeping with my personal schemas on strength and admiration, I can only in good conscience assent to allowing them permanent residence; everyone cross your fingers and pray to whatever deity that will listen that my tits don't rot off!!!
<crosses toes>
mmm.... puss.
I have tried everything to kill the vegas greeblies that have set up permanent housekeeping in my nippy holes, but nothing seems to work. The holistic approach only made them swollen, the antibacterial approach made them dry and cracked, and the no-holds-barred-hit-it-with-everything-short-of-lysol approach seems only to amuse this unfathomably evil bacteria..... whatever I try, the crust still crusts, the ooze still oozes, and the cracks keep crackin'.... I have been foiled by monocellular organisms.
In keeping with my personal schemas on strength and admiration, I can only in good conscience assent to allowing them permanent residence; everyone cross your fingers and pray to whatever deity that will listen that my tits don't rot off!!!
<crosses toes>

you know what i found really helps is antibiotics.( if your talking about piercings that is) my lip piercing was not healing at all then i got a sinus infection so i had to take antibiotics and when i was done taking it my sinus infection was gone and my lip was healed. so just find a way to get some antibiotics.

LOOL awwww i hope they dont rot off, that would suck, your back might be happy though LOOLL