Isn't she a hawwwtie?? I love my Mizzstrezz Demonika... No one I'd rather get gunned at the illustrious Alley with...
I wish I had something great and inspiring to say, but my cells are awash in NyQuil and ColdFX and antibiotics and a gin n' lemon... (Sweet Bombay don't fail me now...)
Im gonna curl up in bed with my cat and dog now, and wait for the Vegas greeblies to leave my system...
ciao chikkas...

I wish I had something great and inspiring to say, but my cells are awash in NyQuil and ColdFX and antibiotics and a gin n' lemon... (Sweet Bombay don't fail me now...)
Im gonna curl up in bed with my cat and dog now, and wait for the Vegas greeblies to leave my system...
ciao chikkas...
thanks for the comment in my journal ~ made me