I AM SO MOTHERFUCKING BORED. I have pneumonia (thats what we get when we don't go to the Doctor until much later than we should have, right children??? What have we learned today???) and I am stuck in my house and I am going frigging INSANE. If I have to watch any more CSI: Miami I might just be the key instigator of a crime scene myself. My head hurts and I am dizzy as fuck so I can't read, can't write, and can't think straight.... I have had 10 days off of work and have been confined to my home for most of them, yet I don't have the energy to clean or cook or even crochet, so this is my own private HELL. <swallows all of her antibiotics at once>
At least I've gotten to spend many many many hours cuddling with my favorite widdew Man...

I AM SO MOTHERFUCKING BORED. I have pneumonia (thats what we get when we don't go to the Doctor until much later than we should have, right children??? What have we learned today???) and I am stuck in my house and I am going frigging INSANE. If I have to watch any more CSI: Miami I might just be the key instigator of a crime scene myself. My head hurts and I am dizzy as fuck so I can't read, can't write, and can't think straight.... I have had 10 days off of work and have been confined to my home for most of them, yet I don't have the energy to clean or cook or even crochet, so this is my own private HELL. <swallows all of her antibiotics at once>
At least I've gotten to spend many many many hours cuddling with my favorite widdew Man...

YAY! New doggie!
Have a great day!