...I walked halfway home from a stupid bar on Saturday night in -20 +wind chill because I couldn't stand stupid people who can't understand that their stupid chemicals serve only as stupid social lubricant, not a "doorway to the soul".
It makes me sad when you can be so incredibly entranced by a room full of young, intelligent professionals one moment, and then find yourself sitting in the middle of a big-ass stupid blow party the next. As intelligent and articulate and enchanting as anyone in that room was, it makes me ill to find them all twitching nervously and talking about mundane, tired shit, b/c they are either too lazy or too bored to bother enjoying their brains anymore.
I don't care what the fuck you stick in your veins, up your nose, or in your synapses in the name of experimentation and self-discovery, but for crying out loud, when did it become a mandatory passtime??? When did these intelligent, rational people regress back to high school???? Seriously... Most of them are almost 30. Shouldn't you be "building" something, instead of spending your middle-class income reliving your "rebellious youth??"
There is something wrong with society when I rather prefer the company of my cats.
Maybe I'm just old and boring.... thats probably it. You see the girl on the edge of the room, watching, talking, sipping her gin tonic, and desperately seeking another soul that actually *wants* to breathe??? If you feel like chatting, come over and talk to her.... shes DESPERATELY bored. We can talk about poo and farts and penises or even world awareness if you like (most people find *that* more distasteful anyway), but so help me if you scratch your nose *once*, I will stick my crochet hook squarely into your eye.
It makes me sad when you can be so incredibly entranced by a room full of young, intelligent professionals one moment, and then find yourself sitting in the middle of a big-ass stupid blow party the next. As intelligent and articulate and enchanting as anyone in that room was, it makes me ill to find them all twitching nervously and talking about mundane, tired shit, b/c they are either too lazy or too bored to bother enjoying their brains anymore.
I don't care what the fuck you stick in your veins, up your nose, or in your synapses in the name of experimentation and self-discovery, but for crying out loud, when did it become a mandatory passtime??? When did these intelligent, rational people regress back to high school???? Seriously... Most of them are almost 30. Shouldn't you be "building" something, instead of spending your middle-class income reliving your "rebellious youth??"
There is something wrong with society when I rather prefer the company of my cats.
Maybe I'm just old and boring.... thats probably it. You see the girl on the edge of the room, watching, talking, sipping her gin tonic, and desperately seeking another soul that actually *wants* to breathe??? If you feel like chatting, come over and talk to her.... shes DESPERATELY bored. We can talk about poo and farts and penises or even world awareness if you like (most people find *that* more distasteful anyway), but so help me if you scratch your nose *once*, I will stick my crochet hook squarely into your eye.

bahahah....I love you!! Hey... I was across the room sippin my Gin & T too... but didint see you thru the haze of insainity....Well, been in the same sit. anyway, and been just as angry...!! If you feel like trying out a bar again soon...the Warehouse (or mayhaps downstairs) Friday we'll all be there... I cant promise I wont be a stupid drunk tho... I was gonna let myself get silly....but I only like beer buzzes
Sides, I'm sure I'm a smrt drunck.....lol

Your such a sweetheart...
We were between both bars all night, wish you had come down.....I got so may 'where are you?' calls that my phone died!! But yes for future 681 2323....it's broken tho so you gotta leave a message!!
I've been feeling pretty lo lately too, prolly a bit cuz of my back, but yes Im better..yay!!! cept phsyco drunk me twisted my ankle last night
Im such a spaz I need to cut down on the drinkin, or wear smaller platforms!!
Yes we must go out for beers! we need to cheer you up....maybe next week/end sumtime??? gimme a call!! I'll be at the Soda Monday for and Ind. music night if that appeals at all...and my foots to broken to dance....I cant believe Im such a fool!!!
talk soon doll