Ellow ellow ellow..
I'm back.. I'm not pissed of anymore but still in doubt.
I've got my dreads, I'll upload a pic soon.. I AM going to make a new set, but I'm very busy with therapy, photoshoots en finding my own place to live..And Im wondering if my sets will ever be denied or accepted cus its taking like forever in compare to others, but oh well..What do I know right?... I need to be more active now a days on the site cus of my shitty days ive neglected SG.. Im sorry
Im gonna make it aaall up

I'm back.. I'm not pissed of anymore but still in doubt.
I've got my dreads, I'll upload a pic soon.. I AM going to make a new set, but I'm very busy with therapy, photoshoots en finding my own place to live..And Im wondering if my sets will ever be denied or accepted cus its taking like forever in compare to others, but oh well..What do I know right?... I need to be more active now a days on the site cus of my shitty days ive neglected SG.. Im sorry

Im gonna make it aaall up

Waar is je eerste set dan?