This is hands down the nicest day we have had in new york in like 4 months.
I got a new pair of boots for work today, they feel great and smell nice. I love the way new leather smells.
I splerged on a new sony psp for my birthday it is giving me a whole new world of possibilitys for slacking off at work.
I made a new friend today, its the wife of this guy my wife go's to school with it's nice to have someone that I can relate with here.I think that I will envite them over for beer and video-games.
Well, yeah he knows how I feel about women which is one of the main strains on our relationship. He knows I'm more sexually attracted to women than men but I married him for love but emotionally and sexually our connection is starting to change for the worst.
He won't allow me to be with a woman without him and he doesn't want to have a threesome with another woman so we are at a stalemate.
Because she has sex and we can watch her..a nation of peeping toms i think the saying goes. Everybody likes to know everybodies business. I wish i could say she has huge boobs, which obviously helps but..there ya go.
I just got back from the movie "crash", and it made me think about how it seems to me that racism gets worse the closer you get to a big city I've lived from coast to coast and i dont know how it is that there is this stereo-type about small towns having alot of racism came from. I have found that the real big... Read More
I agree. I think in big cities its easier for segregation/racism to manifest because some areas are known as being mainly occupied by people of a certain race (which through stereotypical fear/intimidation keeps 'others' out or simply no need to go to that location). Whereas in a smaller town you have to interact with different people just to accomplish your day to day business...unless you're in the boondocks then segregation can work the same way it works in big cities through isolation.
It'll be a while before the movie comes over here (I'm stationed with my husband in germany) but I definitely want to see it.
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions. Any 3, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked to you