Almost 2006! Scary. Leaving wintery New York City for Copacabana, Brazil--could be worse, right? Still, this will cap off a pretty brutal year, punctuated by hapless apartment-hunting, and trying to keep a relationship, housing, and work in a zen-like state and failing miserably every time.

Great indies in 2006: most notably, "Coffee and Cigarettes," by Jim Jarmush. If you haven't seen it, then... go see...
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Christmas is here, so soon. Soon, Washington DC, and soon after that, the beach, caipirinhas, Brazil.

It's freakish that airplane running into a car and killing a six-year old. One minute, your with your six-year old driving down some road in the snow and he's singing christmas carols (this is true, it was on the news!) next thing you know, a 747 rams into you...
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