First and foremost, thank you everyone for the love and support on my set, it went pink and I have to thank you all for making that happen. A huge thanks to the wonderful Brooklyn for a beautiful set, she is the best.

Updates are overdue in the life of Delancey, I really have this odd NYC life that lends itself to interesting times and experiences and often just random fun... or a real downer, but that is for another time

Since my last update there has been Halloween, becoming a SG, crazy work, naked elections with Spencer Tunick, and most important a step in the right direction for the U.S. I am proud to be an American and the words, President Obama are music to my ears.
I brought in election night with a photo shoot for Spencer Tunick's new series, "The Party," and I had the privilege of working with him to shoot the election party in Brooklyn. How crazy to be laying naked with 50 people and learn of the next president....

Photo: Courtesy of Spencer Tunick
It was a blast and we will all receive orig. signed photos which is really awesome.
A Magazine article titled, "Spencer Tunick Got a Bunch of People Naked in Brooklyn the Other Night."
Which leads me to a little bit of SG gossip.....
There were naked strangers embracing an it was BEAUTIFUL!
Prior to all this was Halloween, I worked.... like always right now but dressed up as a 1940's cigarette girl but w/o props just looked like a saloon girl oh well, it was fun and the I cropped out my friends in the photos so they are a little odd but you get the idea.
In the midst of it all, I became a Suicide Girl and what a pleasant awesome surprise. I was.... working (of course) and Yuula called me from Canada to congratulate me and I did not even know and I was in shock and had a bar full of people and wanted to tell everyone but kept it to myself
This is all another reason to love the folks here and the awesome sisterhood I have found.
The Suicide Pup (SP) and I greatly appreciate it... I need help coming up with her SG name to protect her identity
It has been a rough few months but I guess sometimes you have to look around and find the beauty in things no mater how tired, frustrated and whatever else, there are beautiful friends to have and be made, beauty in naked strangers and love on this site which I am still overwhelmed with.
There is so much beauty in Brooklyn
So thanks again all!!! I have been so crazed and busy I look forward to time to catch up with everyone!!!
This is a great ride to be on!
As always, a naked ending
.....more to come