I have a blog to come but not enough time but wanted to send my love and thanks to everyone. I am so moved by the support I have received and thank you for helping my set go pink!!!
What a big day, became a SG, just voted, am part of a Spencer Tunick photo shoot tonight called "election party" I am so excited for that and the experience and to think it will be an exhibit piece.

So thanks to all!!! Have a great day.... it is a big day for EVERYONE and I know folks outside the States are interested to see how this day turns out for us.
OLD POST......
Thursdays are a good blog day for me.
Updates on the randomness of my life, I love blogs but time is limited and I spend far too much time on them. Nevertheless, here is the week updater in my world.
I love my new camera and am taking pics like crazy even though I am trying to do everything the hard way and experiment the Pup and I are having fun.

Of course my best model... my SG Pup (SP)

AND tricks...
So, I have been bartending now a busy Brooklyn bar for about a month and it feels like I am always there. There is a strange feeling of always being in a bar and not drinking and the observations of others. Yesterday, I had my first out of hand customer and had to call the cops, part of the job. But I have also met really awesome folks and have my regulars that I see more than any other people in my life. A favorite is a man who is a captain of a ship that just got back from Africa and he was visiting his son in the hood. I call him "Captain" and came for a week of happy hour and bought drinks for everyone and was very generous. It was really touching when he was leaving town he brought over to me a necklace he made from a canine lion's tooth. I was really taken aback and confused b/c I am a vegetarian who does not even wear leather but the gift was for good luck and to protect me. I put it on while he was there and told him I hoped it would bring me good luck and he raised his long gray (I mean ZZ top looking) beard to reveal the same necklace and told me it brought him luck and he was alive and happy. So I will cherish it and its strange random act of kindness.
Then there is the mystery of the "Fhat Monkey" that has been resolved and as I see political pundits (not always qualified) all over I made my own title which kilcher made my official business card.... I think it is very funny... offensive yes but a funny pick me up through this crazy life right now!
My parents would be so proud
Speaking of parents, I have mentioned my lack of being an adult and letting them see all the tattoos. I was really lucky recently to have P_mod take some great photos of me on my roof and I sent a few to mom to say, "look at how freaking awesome these are," and she loved them and said nothing about the ink and can now expect the tattoos with less shock??? Or so I assume
I have started Burlesque classes with an amazing woman in the city who is very spiritual and it is a great woman's power experience. It feels like this site only live, which is a little scarier and I will have to perform as my final and I feel lucky to have have women here (Sauda) to help with advise and online coaching. I am excited.
I am also really excited b/c the wonderful Brooklyn has a set coming out on the 31st and it is naked putt putt and it is awesome. I was lucky to be part of the experience when Dwamand P_mod were here and Brooklyn is a PRO and so hot... we had a great day and I love these Women (and man, P_mod).
We hit it off right away, this is a cool pic I stole from P_mod but it shows the dedication to this shoot and it well paid off. What a fun awesome day and a reason to love being a part of SG. Also, meeting great folks who can cuddle in the back of a car for hours....
Also out in MR right now is another set from a fun NYC day when I was introduced to SG and watched the beautiful Clio work and welcome me and her set Destroy is great!!!
I even lent a hand ... heheh
Just more reasons to enjoy the site, I have made great friends, learned a ton from other empowered women and had nothing but wonderful experience being naked on the internet. I think I will do it again...
As always, ending with a naked pic