Also, I am still in member review - Lightness - I believe this will drop off the radar around Friday, which is the 30-day mark. I know I always have a huge "THANK YOU" but it does not seem like enough. I wish I could personally thank every person who took the time to leave great comments on my set but computer time has been limited

What I love the most is the people I have met here on the site and how many people it has led me to meet in real life. I have made great friends and look forward to meeting more of you in person
So why have I been out of the cyber-loop? After a degree in Global Economics, I finally landed a job as a bartender as the economy went from 'pending recession' to 'economic disaster'. So I am working almost everyday as a bartender and cocktail server weekend nights (all the chicks there are tall, blond, and gorgeous so I started to wear a push up bra for a more dramatic effect). The money is good and the things that always whether a financial crisis are entertainment and BOOZE. So I get folks drunk everyday. I do enjoy the odd social dynamic of it all but I am getting my days and nights confused. I start Burlesque classes this weekend, which should be a blast.
Once I started a bunch of shifts, we took a trip to PA for Brooklyn's shoot in front of the camera and she is so beautiful I can't wait for the set to hit these pages. It was such a fun trip and we had a packed car with P_Mod in the front and 4 of us ladies in the back (see pics on P_mod blog of Dwam, Daria, Brooklyn and myself sleeping in the car). It was cozy and I fell in love with Dwam and slept on her shoulder 10 minutes after meeting (we picked up our French crew off Delancey street ) Then I totally love Brooklyn b/c she is a pro and was great to watch and I will get naked for and with her in any temperature.
It was then a real treat last week to host Dwam and P_mod their last night here. I adore them so much and they are such an artistic inspiration and tons of fun with the best attitudes and I have a huge crush on Dwam

SPOILERS to come!!!
A day later, my father came to visit for a day. Yes, the one I have been hiding tattoos from and torturing with this next pic on his screen (thanks to a sneaky little sis).
He again asked that wherever these pics were coming from, they had to stop. OK, I will give him a break.
So Dad came to Brooklyn and then over to meet me at my bar. Sure enough the tee I was wearing when he came in revealed a lot of skin color But I totally chickened out and put a little sweater on when I saw his eyes fixated on leaves. On our way to dinner he asked what my total was up to and I said it was not a big deal and he used his jeti mind tricks to ask how much it hurt and how long "not a bit and not big."
In the morning before he left, we took the pup to the dog park and I asked for an early holiday gift the Canon Rebel and lens and that I needed it now to follow around my friend and learn the ins and outs of photography on my very own camera. It was that Red Rider Bee Bee Gun feeling. I don't ever ask for holiday gifts and my parents get upset and so I asked and early. I am now the proud owner of a brand new camera! I feel very spoiled actually b/c I have been having a hard time financially.
Although I am now in a moral dilemma, first my father hinted that I could take pictures of other women and not take my clothes off (I really don't know how he knows well the semi-dressed but not the PSFB deal), but out right asked me to promise that I would not get another tattoo. I am already planning the next but I really have trouble lying and he does not know all of them now.
In other news, I am in love with tags and still do not know the real meaning of "nice fat monkey," but my other favorite is "nice gash" which I love because it is just so wrong ----- But in all seriousness, the "needs to go pink" tag is my favorite and you are all the best.
So I always believe in leaving a new naked pic because I do love being naked on the internet oh and, now that I have a camera I can update pics of my third nipple - tag please