I think I've been dealing with the breakup pretty well so far. I'm getting out and doing new things, working on my bike, etc. Also, I'm spending money I don't have and probably drinking a little too much. The last two things aren't necessarily good, but they have been helpful.
Last night, some friends came over and we played some games and had drinks. It was a good time but I definitely overdid it, and I'm sort of paying for it now. One more step on the road to wellness.
School starts tomorrow which is good, because I desperately need something to keep me distracted.
I'm going to be writing my comic soon (no, the other comic). GiG has several strips done and ready to post, but my relationship woes have put me in a mood very different from the feel of that comic, so I might hold off on putting those up for a bit.
I think I've been dealing with the breakup pretty well so far. I'm getting out and doing new things, working on my bike, etc. Also, I'm spending money I don't have and probably drinking a little too much. The last two things aren't necessarily good, but they have been helpful.
Last night, some friends came over and we played some games and had drinks. It was a good time but I definitely overdid it, and I'm sort of paying for it now. One more step on the road to wellness.
School starts tomorrow which is good, because I desperately need something to keep me distracted.
I'm going to be writing my comic soon (no, the other comic). GiG has several strips done and ready to post, but my relationship woes have put me in a mood very different from the feel of that comic, so I might hold off on putting those up for a bit.
A private-joke, also ^^
best of luck to ya know school.
and jsut think of the alcholo consumtion just as pickling your insides for the great beyond