Good news:
I now have a website. It is called dylan draws, which I've heard is a true fact about me, the owner of you can view HERE. Or over here, if you like. Also here.
As soon as I find a way to batch upload images using wordpress, you will all bear witness to a mind-shredding update.
Bad news:
Lost my wacom pen, which means Dylan doesn't draw. I'm borrowing one from my friend for now because I can't afford a new pen. I can't afford a new pen, because I just afforded a new website, which is called
This brings us to today and my next topic: Money.
I came up with a great idea called "selling drawings I have done/am doing." It's a revolutionary idea in which I produce about 30-40 different drawings of all different styles and subjects, put them up for sale on the internet, and hope that people buy them for their very reasonable price (TBA), while I try and find the energy to eat the last piece of stale bread in my cabinet.
I have about 12 ideas sketched up but am looking for more suggestions... so you know, tell me if you think of anything.
What this means for Grass is Green readers:
I now have a website. It is called dylan draws, which I've heard is a true fact about me, the owner of you can view HERE. Or over here, if you like. Also here.
As soon as I find a way to batch upload images using wordpress, you will all bear witness to a mind-shredding update.
Bad news:
Lost my wacom pen, which means Dylan doesn't draw. I'm borrowing one from my friend for now because I can't afford a new pen. I can't afford a new pen, because I just afforded a new website, which is called
This brings us to today and my next topic: Money.
I came up with a great idea called "selling drawings I have done/am doing." It's a revolutionary idea in which I produce about 30-40 different drawings of all different styles and subjects, put them up for sale on the internet, and hope that people buy them for their very reasonable price (TBA), while I try and find the energy to eat the last piece of stale bread in my cabinet.
I have about 12 ideas sketched up but am looking for more suggestions... so you know, tell me if you think of anything.
What this means for Grass is Green readers:
What this means for people I said I would make drawings for:
Excitement is in the air, but I have a bad sense of smell.
Bear with me. Please.
Also: rats.
Well, I hope even if I DO leave, you'll still show me everything you do no matter. It's not like I don't talk to you enough.

it's called chopping LOTS of hair off