So I decided to move forward with my plans. To build a moonbase.
On my moonbase, I won't have to worry about late fees for turning rent in a day late because I own it. There won't be any screaming kids down by the pool on my moonbase, because they won't be qualified for life in space. And there won't be a pool.
I'll divide my time up between reading, drinking coffee, doing advanced research on moon rocks, and drinking tea.
I can shut all the windows on my moonbase if I want to ignore the day/night cycle so that I can get more drawings and projects done.
I could also open them to look out at the moon, if I want.
"I'm not the man they think I am at home, oh no."
Also: dance party.

On my moonbase, I won't have to worry about late fees for turning rent in a day late because I own it. There won't be any screaming kids down by the pool on my moonbase, because they won't be qualified for life in space. And there won't be a pool.
I'll divide my time up between reading, drinking coffee, doing advanced research on moon rocks, and drinking tea.
I can shut all the windows on my moonbase if I want to ignore the day/night cycle so that I can get more drawings and projects done.
I could also open them to look out at the moon, if I want.
"I'm not the man they think I am at home, oh no."
Also: dance party.

Since I like your work so much I'd like to be friends so I can keep up with you
Is that okay? 

Moonbases are cool, you have the best excuse for wearing a shiny silver suit.