Poor old Grandad, I laughed at all his words.
Working on the comic today. I'm listening to a lot of classic rock/British invasion stuff today and I'm feeling fairly productive for once.
I'm getting ready to do another piece of fan art for SG here in the next couple days, as soon as I can decide on a model. It's time to really focus on drawing again.
"Poor young grandson, theres nothing I can say,
You'll have to learn, just like me,
And thats the hardest way,
Ooh la la."

Working on the comic today. I'm listening to a lot of classic rock/British invasion stuff today and I'm feeling fairly productive for once.
I'm getting ready to do another piece of fan art for SG here in the next couple days, as soon as I can decide on a model. It's time to really focus on drawing again.
"Poor young grandson, theres nothing I can say,
You'll have to learn, just like me,
And thats the hardest way,
Ooh la la."

hey.. saw your fan art.. was just wondering how you do it.. some people i can't tell what medium they do their work in or if its done on the computer or something.. maybe im not very technology savvy.. 

How long have you been drawing for? I'd love to hear more; you have such a wonderful style.