so the beach was pretty crazy. it's good to go out just past where the waves are breaking, then when the big waves come you can do a little hop and float up with it. yeah its the little things that i find entertaining. so i hate mini golf... played it 2 times and that is enough for me for about 10 years. south carolina is hot and humid, and they have loads of these weird grasshopper bugs that were the color of clay. i got a little sunburnt but i think that it had to do with the imitrex that i took that day but i could be wrong. i'm tellin you i make a terrible half mexican. i did however get to hug a monkey at this weird bordwalk mall kinda thing. the monkey was nice and had soft hands and was eating a popcicle. the last night i was there i got sick and
. boo that was not fun. i think it was the french toast that did not agree with me. i was mad cuz i didn't get to eat my mini pizza at the ultimate california pizza place. and if anyone has eaten there before they would know that that is good pizza
. ok that is all for now, i finally get to sleep in my own bed again, it is a nice feeling.

the name of my band is Just Ask
life is fun...