I really really don't know how to describe the last five days. It's been intense, overwhelming, emotional and a hell of a lot of fucking fun. I met a shit load of new people which was scary as fuck and hung out with some people I love more than anything. The book signing was great, Uprawr was wild and the Blackheart Burlesque was great.
Massive thank you to @lucerne @holley @galda @reuben @skye_ @felis @mikaul @salliss @chibbi @disco @snowy @totem @naiser @amyrose and probably more for an eye opening hilarious crazy time. Love you all.
Also lovely to meet @gemmaedwardsuk @elye @jessicalou @eave @evee_ @io_ @lusciouslemons @autumnsky and probably shit loads more people.
Well done to @cadorna @mahneeguh @sunny @liryc @shay @katherine @arabella for a great show.
I've probably uploaded too many photos from the Blackheart Burlesque but meh, they are all below. I did somehow manage to lose a memory card on the way home which had more of Sunny's lap dance and Katherine's angle grinding (plus probably something else) which is super frustrating but hopefully it will teach me to be more careful.
When can we do this all again?