well i still dont want to say too much just incase its all too good to be true but it looks like i'm photographing for rockworld tv ( http://www.rockworld.tv ). they used to be redemption tv. its a pretty cool channel.
hopefully if all goes according to plan then i should have a load of stuff coming up for them over the next few months.
they've even given me my own email address to contact pr's with (once i get told how to get into it).
i got to shoot bullet for my valentine for them the other night (with gallows and as i lay dying supporting), it was weird, it was short notice and the venue has a curved stage with the mics and monitors quite a way away from the edge of the stage.
i think i'm going to get a pro flickr account soon as i've run out of room.
heres some photos of the other night....
hopefully if all goes according to plan then i should have a load of stuff coming up for them over the next few months.
they've even given me my own email address to contact pr's with (once i get told how to get into it).
i got to shoot bullet for my valentine for them the other night (with gallows and as i lay dying supporting), it was weird, it was short notice and the venue has a curved stage with the mics and monitors quite a way away from the edge of the stage.
i think i'm going to get a pro flickr account soon as i've run out of room.
heres some photos of the other night....

as i lay dying
the 30 seconds to mars gig i'm going to has been moved from the underworld to the electric ballroom. its really annoying as i wanted to see them in a small venue not a larger one. also i'm gonna have to try and some how get a photopass too. rubbish.
i have today and tomorrow off and its lovely. i have a large pile of ghost in the shell dvds to get through so its all good
i dont have a great deal to say this time but i'm sure i will next week.
thanks for the kind regards. it's good to know that everyone thinks i'm doing the night thing. i'm feleing a bit better now and it's nice that i can start the new year without worries!