Still on vacation.
My wife and I are planning our garden for this year. We had a garden a few years ago. We haven't had time to have another since then. What's everyone's favorite fruit and/or veggies? What would you plant? We already have an apple tree, a pear tree, 9 blueberry bushes, and a ton of wild raspberries.
So, I want to talk a little about health care. Are you for socialized health care? Do you support what Massachusetts did to their health care system? Okay, for those who don't know, Massachusetts made it mandatory for everyone to have health care. If you make less than $9000 a year, the state pays for the bare minimum health care. If you make between $9000 and $25000, the state assists you in getting health care. And if you make more than $25000, you are on your own. If you don't have proof of insurance, you pay a penalty on your taxes to the tune of the cost of the bare minimum insurance. The funds they used to make this possible was the emergency care funds. Now, the minimum care under that plan doesn't cover prescriptions and has a $3000 deductible.
I think this has gone in a strange direction. In my mind, if we are to socialize health care, we should target preventive medicine. One free physical a year should be first and foremost. If the concern is to make health care available to the poor, Massachusetts's plan didn't do it. Even if something really horrible happened a person making $9000 a year would never be able to pay the $3000 deductible. And if you go to an emergency room in Massachusetts, you better have insurance, 'cause now they have no way to pay for your care.
Do we want our taxes to be 60%? That's what it would take to have the health care that everyone really wants. I think I might be okay with that, but somehow I doubt that the rest of the country is ready for it.
My wife and I are planning our garden for this year. We had a garden a few years ago. We haven't had time to have another since then. What's everyone's favorite fruit and/or veggies? What would you plant? We already have an apple tree, a pear tree, 9 blueberry bushes, and a ton of wild raspberries.
So, I want to talk a little about health care. Are you for socialized health care? Do you support what Massachusetts did to their health care system? Okay, for those who don't know, Massachusetts made it mandatory for everyone to have health care. If you make less than $9000 a year, the state pays for the bare minimum health care. If you make between $9000 and $25000, the state assists you in getting health care. And if you make more than $25000, you are on your own. If you don't have proof of insurance, you pay a penalty on your taxes to the tune of the cost of the bare minimum insurance. The funds they used to make this possible was the emergency care funds. Now, the minimum care under that plan doesn't cover prescriptions and has a $3000 deductible.
I think this has gone in a strange direction. In my mind, if we are to socialize health care, we should target preventive medicine. One free physical a year should be first and foremost. If the concern is to make health care available to the poor, Massachusetts's plan didn't do it. Even if something really horrible happened a person making $9000 a year would never be able to pay the $3000 deductible. And if you go to an emergency room in Massachusetts, you better have insurance, 'cause now they have no way to pay for your care.
Do we want our taxes to be 60%? That's what it would take to have the health care that everyone really wants. I think I might be okay with that, but somehow I doubt that the rest of the country is ready for it.
as for your garden, it's pretty wicked all ready
and the ying yang is a good idea, i'm big on the balance of life, thanx