Hello everyone!
And welcome to my work out room. I think you have all seen me in the TV ad where I scored that amazing touchdown. And I bet you asked yourself, "How did that big headed, caped, skirt-wearing freak run so fast?" Well, I'm here to let you in on my secrets. But remember that you should always stay within your limits.
Okay, first I will show you each exercise.
Mountain Climbers:
Sun Gods:
Okay, this is a multistep one. First make little circles in front of you. Like this:
Then flip you hands over and make circles in the other direction.
Then move your hands to the side.
Make little circles, flip your hands over and make little circles the other way.
Then do one more set over your head.
Vertical Steamengines:
Monkey Squats:
Side Bends:
Flutter Kicks:
Horizontal Steamengines:
Doing this tends to make my cat teleport all around.
Jumping Jacks:
So, now that you know how to do these exercises, time to put together a routine.
The Saturday workout is push-ups, crunches, lunges, jumping jacks, side bends, and sit-tucks.
The Monday workout is sun gods, vert. steamengines, monkey squats, mountain climbers, horiz. steamengines, and flutter kicks.
The mid week (Wednesday or Thursday) workout is all of them.
The first week is 20 reps of each. And it ramps up to 100 in 19 weeks.
Here's the progression:
wk1 20
wk2 21
wk3 21
wk4 22
wk5 24
wk6 27
wk7 32
wk8 39
wk9 49
wk10 60
wk11 71
wk12 81
wk13 88
wk14 93
wk15 96
wk16 98
wk17 99
wk18 99
wk19 100
Anywhere in these 19 weeks that you feel like you could do more, start doing jumping jacks in between sets.
And remember, stay hydrated:
Once you stick with this work out, you'll feel better, and have more energy. And once you get to week 19, you'll be able to eat an extra small order of fries!
And welcome to my work out room. I think you have all seen me in the TV ad where I scored that amazing touchdown. And I bet you asked yourself, "How did that big headed, caped, skirt-wearing freak run so fast?" Well, I'm here to let you in on my secrets. But remember that you should always stay within your limits.

Okay, first I will show you each exercise.
Mountain Climbers:


Sun Gods:
Okay, this is a multistep one. First make little circles in front of you. Like this:

Then flip you hands over and make circles in the other direction.
Then move your hands to the side.

Make little circles, flip your hands over and make little circles the other way.
Then do one more set over your head.

Vertical Steamengines:

Monkey Squats:

Side Bends:

Flutter Kicks:


Horizontal Steamengines:


Doing this tends to make my cat teleport all around.

Jumping Jacks:

So, now that you know how to do these exercises, time to put together a routine.
The Saturday workout is push-ups, crunches, lunges, jumping jacks, side bends, and sit-tucks.
The Monday workout is sun gods, vert. steamengines, monkey squats, mountain climbers, horiz. steamengines, and flutter kicks.
The mid week (Wednesday or Thursday) workout is all of them.
The first week is 20 reps of each. And it ramps up to 100 in 19 weeks.
Here's the progression:
wk1 20
wk2 21
wk3 21
wk4 22
wk5 24
wk6 27
wk7 32
wk8 39
wk9 49
wk10 60
wk11 71
wk12 81
wk13 88
wk14 93
wk15 96
wk16 98
wk17 99
wk18 99
wk19 100
Anywhere in these 19 weeks that you feel like you could do more, start doing jumping jacks in between sets.
And remember, stay hydrated:

Once you stick with this work out, you'll feel better, and have more energy. And once you get to week 19, you'll be able to eat an extra small order of fries!
thanx for the advice! do you know where i can get that eyebrite stuff?
you just made my day ... by far the coolest person EVER!!!
hope you guys are doing well tty soon