Okay, I don't really have time for a full review of King Kong. But, it was great! If you go back a few entries to my review of Narnia, you'll see I say that only the characters of Gollum and Yoda have been done with CGI to the quality that they are the characters, not just an artist's rendering, or pixelated version. Add Kong to that short list.
Great movie.
Now, here's my bitch session.
Why do I always sit next to the fucking talkers?! Tonight I sat next to a child, his father, and another child. The three of them talked sparatically throughout the movie. And they did it in such a way that displayed that they had absolutely no regard for anyone around them. The father, not even leaning toward his kids, would raise his voice to be heard over the movie. Here's just one of the exchanges:
father:do you know what that is?
father:that's chloroform
kid1:what is it?
father:it's stuff that makes people sleep. Like if you wanted to knock someone out you put just a little bit on a rag and put it over their mouth like this. And they fall asleep.
kid1:how's it do that?
father:it's a chemical. that's just what it does.
kid2:why do they have so much on board?
kid2:wait, I know why they have so much. Do you want me to tell you?
<father notices my look>
WTF ugh. Okay people. I want to hear it. From both sides. Who thinks people shouldn't talk during movies. And who thinks it's okay. I think you all can tell how I feel about this.
I haven't commented to other people in a while. And tomorrow and Friday look busy too. I'll try to catch up this weekend. Ciao.
Great movie.
Now, here's my bitch session.
Why do I always sit next to the fucking talkers?! Tonight I sat next to a child, his father, and another child. The three of them talked sparatically throughout the movie. And they did it in such a way that displayed that they had absolutely no regard for anyone around them. The father, not even leaning toward his kids, would raise his voice to be heard over the movie. Here's just one of the exchanges:
father:do you know what that is?
father:that's chloroform
kid1:what is it?
father:it's stuff that makes people sleep. Like if you wanted to knock someone out you put just a little bit on a rag and put it over their mouth like this. And they fall asleep.
kid1:how's it do that?
father:it's a chemical. that's just what it does.
kid2:why do they have so much on board?
kid2:wait, I know why they have so much. Do you want me to tell you?
<father notices my look>
WTF ugh. Okay people. I want to hear it. From both sides. Who thinks people shouldn't talk during movies. And who thinks it's okay. I think you all can tell how I feel about this.
I haven't commented to other people in a while. And tomorrow and Friday look busy too. I'll try to catch up this weekend. Ciao.
I played bass but i'm learning to play guitar and gulp, been singing. I am not playing with anyone right now, just recording songs at my house. If you go to kikibh's journal, i think there is a picture of us playing at a party. She was the tamborine girl in the band.
What kind of hearing research?