Man, when is it going to fucking cool off?! Fall is my favorite time of the year so I'm looking forward to the season change. Of coarse, it would also be nice if gas prices stopped going up so fast I need a loan to get and forth from work. Currently reading "The Corner" about Baltimore, trying to find the HBO miniseries. Also loving the new Dresden Dolls CD. Celleigh is here for the weekend so I have a zoo at the house. Gereatric cat, loser racedog, 3 legged cat, blind Pomeranian and the puppy, o'my.
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 24, 2005
Meow! Gotta a promotion and raise today, yeah for me! Next week is so… -
Tuesday Mar 15, 2005
And life goes on. I need more packing boxes. Need to deal with work. … -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
I'm so miserable. My back hurts so bad a doctor should put me out of … -
Monday Mar 07, 2005
I'm sooo excited! I finally got a contract on a house and it's my lit… -
Tuesday Mar 01, 2005
My baby... 1987 black 450cc Honda Rebel. I've had her for over 10 yea… -
Sunday Feb 27, 2005
Just got back from Dark Odyssey, my gawd it was hot! Playspace, swing… -
Sunday Feb 27, 2005