Why do bad things always happen in 3's?
First the 6 year old next door was playing on my bike and it fell over. He wasn't hurt but did dome damage to the bike. Even though they should pay to get it fixed, I know that his mom is on SSI and goes to a methadone clinic. His father works at a dollar store. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.
I witnessed a dog being hit on my way into the city coming home from work. I u-turned to protect her with my car. I actually thought she was dead because she was in this weird position. When I approached her she got up and ran under a bush. I caught her and rushed her to the ER. Amazingly, they didn't find anything wrong with her besides a high fever. As a result they gave her some fluids, antibiotics and pain medicine. She was so sick that she couldn't move or lift her head. I set her up in the basement at my place so that, if she had anything contagious, my animals would be ok. In the morning she was up walking around and I put her outside to pee. When I went to get her to take her to the shelter, she growled at me. Before she was pretty much exhausted so I didn't have any problrms getting her here. My yard is fenced so I left to go to work and called Animal Control. They were coming to get her into a crate so I could take her to a no kill shelter. They arrived and....no dog. She managed to dig her way out of my yard. At least she got some love and a good meal. I'm starting to think that maybe this is her schtike. Lay down in the road, wait for some stupid woman to come along and pay a bunch of money, then escape all so that she can get a free meal.
The last news is truley a tragedy. My dad and his wife live in Key West. During the hurricane she had a heart attack. The ambulance was not able to get her to the hospital for 4 hours since everyone was evacuating. As a result, she's brain dead and in a coma. Her living will outlines her wishes not to remain on life support. She is expected to die in the next 24-48 hours or so. I'm packing now to go down there tomorrow. I'm still in a state of shock.
Well, when I get back, I'm off to Starwood in NY. Hopefully the rituals, music, and neeked people will have an effect on me. Be back in a week and a half.
First the 6 year old next door was playing on my bike and it fell over. He wasn't hurt but did dome damage to the bike. Even though they should pay to get it fixed, I know that his mom is on SSI and goes to a methadone clinic. His father works at a dollar store. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.
I witnessed a dog being hit on my way into the city coming home from work. I u-turned to protect her with my car. I actually thought she was dead because she was in this weird position. When I approached her she got up and ran under a bush. I caught her and rushed her to the ER. Amazingly, they didn't find anything wrong with her besides a high fever. As a result they gave her some fluids, antibiotics and pain medicine. She was so sick that she couldn't move or lift her head. I set her up in the basement at my place so that, if she had anything contagious, my animals would be ok. In the morning she was up walking around and I put her outside to pee. When I went to get her to take her to the shelter, she growled at me. Before she was pretty much exhausted so I didn't have any problrms getting her here. My yard is fenced so I left to go to work and called Animal Control. They were coming to get her into a crate so I could take her to a no kill shelter. They arrived and....no dog. She managed to dig her way out of my yard. At least she got some love and a good meal. I'm starting to think that maybe this is her schtike. Lay down in the road, wait for some stupid woman to come along and pay a bunch of money, then escape all so that she can get a free meal.
The last news is truley a tragedy. My dad and his wife live in Key West. During the hurricane she had a heart attack. The ambulance was not able to get her to the hospital for 4 hours since everyone was evacuating. As a result, she's brain dead and in a coma. Her living will outlines her wishes not to remain on life support. She is expected to die in the next 24-48 hours or so. I'm packing now to go down there tomorrow. I'm still in a state of shock.
Well, when I get back, I'm off to Starwood in NY. Hopefully the rituals, music, and neeked people will have an effect on me. Be back in a week and a half.

Wishing you better things very soon.