My baby... 1987 black 450cc Honda Rebel. I've had her for over 10 years. I bought her off of my mom once she got herself a Harley. Mom's got "short person syndrome" so her bike has to be the prettiest, fastest, and loudest. I'm currently looking for a place to buy and if I don't end up broke, I'll be looking for something new. Even though I luv her, I need something with a little more additude. I'm scared to death I'll put all this money into a bike and then trash it. At least what I have now, I've dropped probably 5 times. Last time was on 495, that was a bitch. But, at least I haven't gotten rear-ended like "some people" (
to John, I hope you're out riding soon). I don't have any pictures of her but once it warms up I'll take 'er out of winter mode and post a pic. Anybody got suggestions for something new, small, and low to the ground? I think that there's nothing sexier than a chic on a riceburner but I think I wanna stick to a sportster.

Your bike was running again last week. Should be fine when the weather changes.