It's a beeeaaaauutifuuuuul daaaaaaaaayyyy!!!!!! (Well, not really, it's raining and the wind almost threw me off my bike this morning hehee) ...but today MissyS's first set is on Member Review. It's the first set that I shot in Sweden and I would really like you to check it out!!! ...and of course, I'd love to hear what you think about the photos!
MissyS - The Green Chair

MissyS - The Green Chair
and... I'll be escaping from Sweden's darkness for a month!! I'll be back to Mexico! Friends! Family! Sun! Beach!
Y porque no!? Unas fotos con SG mexicanas no? A ver quien se apunta, estare en el DF y me voy a la playa a Oaxaca. Estare a partir del 16 de dic y hasta el 16 de enero. Ojala podamos coincidir en algun punto.
MissyS - The Green Chair

MissyS - The Green Chair
and... I'll be escaping from Sweden's darkness for a month!! I'll be back to Mexico! Friends! Family! Sun! Beach!
Y porque no!? Unas fotos con SG mexicanas no? A ver quien se apunta, estare en el DF y me voy a la playa a Oaxaca. Estare a partir del 16 de dic y hasta el 16 de enero. Ojala podamos coincidir en algun punto.

TE FELICITO WARRO!!!! super perfecto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!