Amazing pic...

Amazing pic...

oooh adoro las nenas con cabello corto...que maldito, te envidio por lo editors carajo buuu

Yesterday I was at the Mexican Independence celebration party in Gteborg. It was good to get a taste of home for a night and speak spanish all the time! When we sang the National Anthem, I couldn't finish. I got my eyes all tearful and my voice started to break. Looking at the huge Mexican flag on the backdrop got me thinking a lot of...
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Shot two sets today. It was very fun and the results were amazing! Now it's editing time. Be prepared to see perfection at its most beautiful! some point today i realized that I could've easily fallen in love but there's a boyfriend around... She's a very sweet girl.
on other stuff... I was shooting some wedding photos a couple of weeks ago, and I...
Read More some point today i realized that I could've easily fallen in love but there's a boyfriend around... She's a very sweet girl.
on other stuff... I was shooting some wedding photos a couple of weeks ago, and I...
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honestly she laughed her ass off 

This last days have been great and full of surprises... that's how birthdays are supposed to be!!!
1. I got a proposal to have some photos I took this summer printed on the german edition of a Franz Ferdinand book!!!
2. I got a proposal to do ALL the catalogue photos for a very cool clothing brand in Spain (I won't say the name yet!)...
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1. I got a proposal to have some photos I took this summer printed on the german edition of a Franz Ferdinand book!!!
2. I got a proposal to do ALL the catalogue photos for a very cool clothing brand in Spain (I won't say the name yet!)...
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happy birthday!

Jajaja, no son una francesa de Francia!
Nicaragua es donde vive mi hermano. No hay mucho nicaraguenses por aqui...
Nicaragua es donde vive mi hermano. No hay mucho nicaraguenses por aqui...

I'm in Stockholm for a couple of job interviews...! So far it's somewhat tempting. It's just that I'm not in love with the city... I'm starting to feel at home at Gteborg now.
I was taking some photos at a concert last night and I met the second most beautiful Argentinian girl... I now know for sure that for me, Argentinians are the most amazingly...
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I was taking some photos at a concert last night and I met the second most beautiful Argentinian girl... I now know for sure that for me, Argentinians are the most amazingly...
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Thanks! I'll be in Iceland for the Airwaves music festival, or did I miss it now that my trip got postponed?
How are you?
How are you?
Pretty!! The first pic is amazing. Are you the photographer of the set to come?
Gracias caray! Ya pronto la probadita!

Damn fuckin teenagers.... I left my bike on the street a couple of days and it got totally trashed... Now it's about 100 dollars to get it fixed... Those little fuckers... Karma will pay back on you!
That sucks! Where are you living?
Nice! Gteborg is awesome! Def. my favourite town in Sweden. Where in Gothenburg?
Nice you got your bike back. Did they just give it back with a note saying "sorry"?
Nice you got your bike back. Did they just give it back with a note saying "sorry"?

wow. that is gorgeous.

wow. that is gorgeous.
Seeee... Medio andrginos pero chale, estoy enamorada.... Jajajajajaja....

Oh... and then the bad news... Just read that LeRoi Moore, saxophonist of the Dave Matthews Band, my long time obsession and favorite, died today...

I left you a GOOD NeW today!!
I hope you can go, I'll be there

I left you a GOOD NeW today!!
I hope you can go, I'll be there

my sister in law is from sweden; she deported bc she over stayed her VISA.. my bro is gunna marry her when she is allowed to come back to the states... swedish woman some of the most beautifal in the world! xox
It has been a couple days. Things have sunk in. I was a mess when it happened. I tried in on three different computers and couldn't believe it.
My boyfriend calmed me down, reminded me I had most of the stuff is on the internet, and that they are just pictures. I love them and I would miss them but worst comes to worst I would have a frest start.
It seems that I copied a virus onto it and it looks like he can get back most to all.
On a different note, thank you for your involvement in the Band Photography Group. You have some really nice shots and have been a big help with activity.
Best of luck with your Swedish!
My boyfriend calmed me down, reminded me I had most of the stuff is on the internet, and that they are just pictures. I love them and I would miss them but worst comes to worst I would have a frest start.
It seems that I copied a virus onto it and it looks like he can get back most to all.
On a different note, thank you for your involvement in the Band Photography Group. You have some really nice shots and have been a big help with activity.
Best of luck with your Swedish!
chale sueco est cabrn
ja jaja

Really nice pic
Sorry it took me so long to accept the request but i haven't been around.