Tuesday Apr 27, 2010 Apr 27, 2010 0 Facebook Tweet Email If one exists without the desire to exist, do they exist at all? bob: They haven' said...it's another one of those open questions (which probably won't be answered). But, there's a couple of theories: Philosopher reference (like Locke, Hume) Macbeth reference Reference to his weight May 19, 2010 criss: wow... thats the tallest I've ever been guessed to be =] But im just a shot cake standing at 5'2. May 21, 2010
Friday Mar 12, 2010 Mar 12, 2010 0 Facebook Tweet Email I am insignificant and it is for that reason alone that I am free.
Thursday Mar 23, 2006 Mar 23, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email 615243221 VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS rys: And I so randomly forgot, the restaurant we were at played Alice Cooper on repeat throughout the meal. Go Eastern block! Mar 29, 2006 rys: Blank message. How mysterious... Mar 29, 2006
But, there's a couple of theories:
Philosopher reference (like Locke, Hume)
Macbeth reference
Reference to his weight