do you know what i love, a day where my only responsibility is to go to the beer store and re-stock. that makes me happy. ahhh no responsibility. i think i may work on some music though (seems like a never ending battle with myself, im just not good enough for me, haha), i think im very critical though cuz im the one with the task of trying to put the final polish on a bunch of new songs. also i dont really know whats going on with my head cuz some of the new material isnt that depressing, theres a little hope mixed iin there, maybe cuz a bunch are kinda romantic but without sickening myself, im enjoying this new style, depressingly deep poetry with an erotic theme. maybe i'll even start a new song ( i love getting in over my head), anyways my tat is aching for some vitamin cream.bye music - social code - gone away
I bet you'd never come down
From your tower for me
I'll let you take it real slow
While I try to decide
Never would've loved you
Should've left this town
Never would've loved you
But everything got turned around
It's nothing much but the same drug
It's nothing much but the same drug
It's nothing much but the same drug
You threw it away
But I gave love away
She didn't come from the same world
See the same things, I can't deny
I bled on stages to get here, sent screams
Up to the sky
She did it all the way
Now she's gone today
I can't sleep without her
I bet you'd never come down
From your tower for me
I'll let you take it real slow
While I try to decide
Never would've loved you
Should've left this town
Never would've loved you
But everything got turned around
It's nothing much but the same drug
It's nothing much but the same drug
It's nothing much but the same drug
You threw it away
But I gave love away
She didn't come from the same world
See the same things, I can't deny
I bled on stages to get here, sent screams
Up to the sky
She did it all the way
Now she's gone today
I can't sleep without her