What up chicken butts ?? How are yall doin? Leave me some thing on here to respond to... And Leave me five things u cant survive without ? And five tv shows u cant live with out ? Plus u are u in the walking dead like what role do u think ud play ? Rick ? The govenor? Glenn etc etc ? Or ur scared self ? How would u think ud evolve? Plus whos ur perfectside kick?
ALSO LADIES I DEMAND A RETURN OF THE PUBES!! Like in the seventies and befor just natural as all get out !!!! Plz!!!
ALSO LADIES I DEMAND A RETURN OF THE PUBES!! Like in the seventies and befor just natural as all get out !!!! Plz!!!
perfect sidekick :: barbara gordon batgirl hmm fire crotch / powergirl lol
yay ur bringing back the pubes booo neat and trimmed ...daddy needs balls to the wall natural and free
character im most like the havent invented the character with as much balls as me lmao but it mostly likely be likt raj from Big Bang barney from himym gibbs monkey and palmer from titan maximum and peter brian quagmire and stewie from family guy lol some thing like that all rolled up into one