- on
- on deflicted's blog post
- on deflicted's blog post
- on shocktherapy's blog post
- on pebblezink's video
- on pebblezink's album
Looking for someone to talk to on here I'm sick and tired of just gawking at hot sgs I want to gawk at them and to me ...... Are u out there......
im not sg yet hahah but ofcorse im here t talk honey
im not a sg yet hihih but sure im here for fun, lets have a chat honey
Currently in rocky mount nc close to Fayetteville and Raleigh Durham looking to kick it with some ppl duringbmy after hospital phase where are cool laid back nerds geeks ga,era alcoholics losers strip club patrons and so on and so forth hangout?
Pm me
Yay happy birthday too me!!!!!!
love seeing all these ladies with there pants down
I will be shooting a set soon will let you know when I do!
you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian
does anybody filll out those fucking check verify shit for craigslist when your trolling
racist ppl piss me the fuck off i just want to move to another fuckin planet where they and theyre stupid fucking assholes cant follow
so who has bought an sg or a hopeful something off their wishlist? and why? cause all i want is a big thank you card.....if and when i do.... but who has expected more ???? plus will anyone awswer this?????
because i do love and appreciate all the work the sgs and hopefuls do ..... i wish there was an sg holiday and banks and stuff would close because of it and there would be an sg parade and everything lol
I've been gifted items in the past. Sometimes anonymously, so it makes it difficult to thank whoever has purchased the gift.
so saturday night....bored and alone to go out or not to go out .....and can i make it out????
so every saturday this month felt like shit on paul saturday wtf y me will this ever end will things turn arounds.......
Things will get better cause you will it so... Hello green lantern the power of will... Do I have to send you a new ring??? Did yours short out
gettibg my ride back from the shop today!!!!
Hell yeah! Just in time for the weekend!
my kia soul is in the shop
Oh that's a bummer! What happened?
busted some stuff up trying to aviod hitting ppl and other cars and to not to get into a accident