In Diego Garcia right now, If you have heard of this place then kudos to you cause unless I had been here before I would have never known this place existed. It's a small island in the British Indian Ocean Territory and it's about 13 square miles. It's a beautiful place but we are unfortunately only here for another 6 1/2 hours and 4 of that is going to consist of preflighting our jet and getting shit going! I wish we had a little more time here. We are heading to Japan next, well the island of Okinawa to drop off some folks we picked up in Afghanistan. I am pretty pumped on it since I've never been there. I love going to new places since I normally just do the whole Spain, Afghanistan and Iraq runs now a days. It's a nice change of scenery. After Japan I think we are going to Guam which I love cause the people there are awesome and the night life is amazing even for someone like myself who doesn't drink. I'll try and get some pictures up from this trip later on.