Today is starting out awesome. I just passed my PT test and did amazing. I shaved 2 and half minutes off my run time since January. I am extremely excited about that. Now all I gotta do is get my ass down to Tucson to give my folks my cat and maybe my dog for the time being as I try and get rid of my house up here and start the process of going to the reserves and moving to AZ. I still have so much to do but I really think that doing so well on my test today is a sign that things are gonna start turning around and hopefully going my way. I've made some new amazing friends and I am gonna be sad to have to leave them but I'll be up here once a month anyways so I'll be able to hang out for a little bit and see them. I miss my friends and family from back home like crazy though and can't wait to be back near them. I think my attitude about life and the recent events will become more positive once I am back home and with them. Well, now I've gotta go get into my monkey suit and head to work. The war on terror isn't going to fight itself. hahahaha

Congratulations on your PT test!