been sitting in germany for about 6 days now and we are hoping to finally get out and get to afghanistan to get the folks there some supplies. I hate sitting around with cargo that people could be using over there. If we are gonna sit somewhere have it be after the mission and on our way back home. I can't complain that much though, I'm making $127 a day sitting here cause other agencies fuck up and cant do their job correctly. Oh well, I do need a bit of a break though. I've been flying non stop since I got home from Tucson. I need to be home for a little bit to unwind and chill out. Hoping that I'll be home for halloween this year since I missed it last year. Well this was probably just a waste of time but I guess It's better to get thoughts out than to keep them stuck inside. I wanna go to a show really bad. . .It's been a while. Hopefully I'll be home to see folsom play on the 2nd of november. alright time to sleep.
thoughts are never a waste of time thanx for sharing and safe travels to you!
Hope you had sweet dreams. Be safe traveling!