Today I am hanging out on the corner of Sanity and Denial, seriously considering stopping in at the local corner store and picking up a pack of cigarettes and something to mix this shitty vodka with, but every time I move near the automatic sliding doors some black cat gets in my way. Now I don't want to think that I've become the kind of man to make excuses, but at this stage I realize that I'm buying lottery tickets. I haven't finished my book. I'm unemployed. My summer school classes were just dropped by my community college due to nonpayment. Well, that last one I can blame on the federal government, but what good has that done anyone? You know what? Self-loathing is not the powerful impetus towards alteration of the fundamental core of one's being that you might think it is. In fact, I'm finding it to be stifling. I tried blaming my dad for a while, then my mother; I blamed MTV for a few years. Is MTV even a thing anymore? I'm not having one of those power days, you know; we should go out and get some sun, maybe play volleyball or minigolf, but that should be another day. Not this day. Today, I'm just going to honor the veterans of this great country the only way I really know how. Tomorrow I'll walk into that crackerjack community college and make friends with the faculty. Who knows, maybe the old maxims are best. I don't think I've ever blogged once and successfully made a point.
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Tuesday Mar 31, 2009
I keep telling myself that at one o'clock I'm going to get in the sho… -
Wednesday Mar 11, 2009
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Friday Feb 06, 2009
Heading down to Florida to do some shooting and just enjoy myself. W… -
Monday Jan 12, 2009
It's a new year, so I thought I'd put up a new post, but I haven't th… -
Wednesday Dec 17, 2008
I'm doing pretty fucking well, actually. -
Wednesday Oct 29, 2008
Panic. I imagine that when most people think of panic it's wide eyed … -
Saturday Oct 25, 2008
I'm doing it. I'm posting to post; I'm writing to write. I have no … -
Wednesday Oct 15, 2008
Wishing a Happy Birthday to my brother. I'd post up some amusing sto… -
Saturday Oct 11, 2008
It puts things into perspective, really. Some problems are just so s… -
Thursday Oct 02, 2008
Life is full of compromises, she said, and you'll have to do things t…