It's a new year, so I thought I'd put up a new post, but I haven't the foggiest about what I should write here. I've gotten in touch with two old friends via the magical interwebs, proving once again that technology keeps me from going insane. I've also decided to start up yoga in earnest and I'm going to be checking out a place in the city where I can partner up with a friend and enjoy Bikram together. I'm rather excited. Every year I think "this is the year I'll change everything and do all those things I want to do" and every year I do another few things that I wanted to, but this year really is different; I've met some new people who want to do those things, too. And a few of my old friends are getting a bit antsy themselves. I think we're all getting a bit restless heading into the apocalypse and all. I suppose nothing lights a fire under one's ass quite like the impending end of the world and all. I just got over a cold. It wasn't really bad at all, but it was dreadfully inconvenient; it started to mess me up on last Wednesday and put me down for the weekend. Now I'm feeling about just fine. Stupid weekend sickness. But now I'm hale and healthy and ready to work, blizzard or no blizzard. Hmph. Maybe this will be the year that I move to Brisbane. Happy New Year, cats and kittens. Make it a good one.
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Theoretical Exchange: Elemental
You never stopped to think that maybe what works for you doesn’t ac… -
Friday Jun 01, 2012
Unicron slept. The race of Transformers, though that is not what … -
Monday May 28, 2012
Today I am hanging out on the corner of Sanity and Denial, seriously … -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2012
I would be a fucking skinny guy if I didn't like beer so much. -
Wednesday Dec 28, 2011
Another year, another ex-turned-besty... -
Tuesday Nov 15, 2011
I'm back on the Internet. Proceed to celebrate. Conventionally, I wou… -
Saturday Aug 06, 2011
Why is it so hard to convince myself that I'm not making a huge mista… -
Saturday Jul 31, 2010
Fuck it, why not do a little posty posty after a little drinky drinky… -
Thursday Apr 22, 2010
Too much of anything means nothing at all. -
Thursday Apr 15, 2010
Zenevieve has a new set up in MR. Check it out and show her some lov…