I'm sorry guys, I know I am a big loser, but I just don't have time for this right now.... ARRRRGHH...

I'm swamped with work, the business plan, and of course, the family, so... Doesn't leave much time for anything.

I have to have the business plan done and submitted April 1st, so at least that will be out of my hair soon - oh,...
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positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa
Happy to hear from you! smile Are you writing anything? I have an idea for a play that I might start working on soon. Need to do some research.
can you believe I'm still up??

had the whole weekend to work, yet I'm still behind...

grrrrrrrr....... mad

fucking business plan... why does it have to be so much work?? surreal

well, it serves me right for wanting to be an entrepreneur...


later wink




it's 6:15 AM, and I have officially braved an all-nighter... I have to get ready now, and go to my...
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hey dee....

hope everythings doing OK with your business plan writing, etc. I too, am in the process of trying to get my shit together business-wise....

never give up!
ce journal est un dsastre en ce moment! wink

This is freaking HILARIOUS!!! You guys HAVE to hear it!!!

Click click click below!!!

Do You Take It?

I've gotta go see these guys!!! Check out their website - they're called The Wet Spots

I'm still laughing!!! tongue

tee hee hee...
Oh my God, too funny! biggrin
Good things:

I wrote a new song, and finished a few unfinished ones...

Not so good things:

Still feeling quite melancholy...
I hope it passes, because there really is no reason for it. No rational reason, at least...

What am I still doing up??? surreal

Off to bed I go.


that's true she's mine!
wink wink
Wake up, got another day to get through now
Got another man to see
Got to call him on the telephone
Got to find a piece of paper

Sit down, got another letter to write
Think I'll got to get the letter just right
There's a ringing on the telephone
Oh no, got to write a little later
No such day as tomorrow, only one...
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great dsastre! smile wink
Hey thanks! So it's been a bad one huh? Tell Bobby D. Maybe he can help. smile
I threw a new profile pic up... a 3:25 AM insomniac glamour shot...

Do you like me better as a nun with a gun, or just as plain ol' me...?

I wonder... confused
it's a bit weird for me, because I've had negative experiences with SG's. I fell out with one or two of them in real life. One I think because I wouldn't give her boyfriend a job, then another because we were after the same girl (I won!)

So I got kicked off last year. Petty arguements, and bitter little girls who can't win an arguement in real-life, but think they're empowered by being naked on the internet.

Of course, many of them are sound.

but yeah, I had a few old friends i wanted to say hi to, so I'm back for a little bit. I've met some really cool people on here to.

I'll be off again soon, but feel free to rant about anything in my journal, no need to hold back! And in the meantime, i've put in a friend request.

eeek that was quick, or had you done the same thing already? haha
stop fucking around, big eyes!

more human contact: ME!
fresh air: come out with ME! (next week - we do "business lunch", ok?)

i know exactly how you feel, btw. you know I do...

big love to you! kiss
hey superdee....

Sounds like you 've been burning the candles on both ends lately....

sounds like a good list..... however, I think you need to add music in there somewhere..... wink

yeah,,, you know I'm gonna harass you about the music till I hear something...... smile

These days, I just can't get it out of my head...


You used to be a partner in crime
Now you say you ain't got the time

Gotta get serious, gotta plan
Gotta pass those entrance exams
Oh my God
It's senior year
All you care about is your career

It's a Life Sentence
It's a Life Sentence
It's a Life Sentence
It's a...
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Ahh, that takes me back to highschool! I don't regularily listen to DK anymore, but I still love them.

Thanks for the advice. I suppose I did this to myself, I chose to become involved with someone who had no emotional attachment to me, knowing well enough that it wasn't going to me anything long-term. It's hard when you've developed strong feelings for someone who can't return the love...worse yet, not even a tiny hello. I know I'll heal in time, but right now my heart is aching.

Thanks for listening kiss
hey perty mamma wink... My life isnt as exciting as i make it seem.. I am just the type of person who wants to make everyone happy and let them live vicariously through me... but really Im sitting home Friday night with my 8 year old watching who framed Roger Rabbit.. and trying to convince him to let me yank his tooth! biggrin
Ok, I'm back!!!

I've been stuck downtown at my parents' place with my sick baby boy - for over a week now! But as of this morning, I'm back in comission... The little one's doing much better, no more fever, no more craziness, just a little cough that will hopefully be gone soon.

I am super swamped, of course, trying to catch up with all...
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Well glad to hear that the baby is better. Routines suck, don't they?
Hi Dee "the girl over one block". wink .Happy to hear from you, hope all is fine. The routines are the day time of our condition. But anyways - That 'force be with you dear!
Here the cold change in a strange warmth, and it's very pleasant. smile wink

my baby is sick frown

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it ............................

make it stop frown
poor kid ..poor you too, I hope he gets better quick ..I remember when I was a kid, whenever I got sick I would try to pretend that I wasn't, which usually made things worse for my mother ooo aaa puke ooo aaa
hope all fine here! wink smile