Aahhh... Home, at last... Ready for the longest journal entry ever???
First of all, thanks to everyone for dropping in to wish me a happy birthday, you guys rock!
I just got home, and found I was accepted into the SGCanada East group, which I am really excited about, given the upcoming prom plans and all... Finally, a prom I actually want to go to!!!
I really hope you all come out so we can actually meet in person!
Anyway, back to the birthday...
Shoutouts to gypsygrrrl, my soulsistah, and Aaron, the brother I never had (who flew out from LA for the occasion!), they both spent endless amounts of their time and money on me this weekend, and I can only love them for it, and hope that they had as good of a time as I did... (BTW, Aaron's getting an SG membership from me as a thank you gift shortly, so you guys will be seeing him around here pretty soon)
As for how the weekend turned out, here goes:
Friday Night
gypsygrrrl already pretty much covered it in my last journal entry...
A little more in depth, as per the psychic experience:
My wonderful spouse who's been putting up with my shit for the last 4 years, is apparently, in for a lifetime of it
She said that he is definitely THE man for me, that she is getting incredibly good vibes from him, etc etc... She also said he'd be stinkin' rich in about 2-3 years, which doesn't hurt either. Apparently, we'll be married within 2-3 years, homeowners in about 2, and we are due to have a little girl in about 5. I am due for a positive change in my work in April, and... That's about all that is even remotely interesting. Now let's just see how it all pans out!
Watch me hold my breath
Oh, oh, the most important thing! She told me that I, myself, am in fact incredibly psychic, and that I need to get in tune with it, because I've been completely ignoring it... I wonder - does this mean that we could've saved the $60??
Ok, so after, we went for a delicious sushi dinner, wich is an important little tid-bit of information, given what follows.
At the bar, I had the most FANTASTIC time, but I must say that I definitely outdid myself in terms of drinking... I was quite surprised at how well I was doing, considering how much I had to drink - only to find out, once at home, that my tolerance for alcohol is definitely not all that I thought it was... I spent the ENTIRE night losing my sushi in my parents' bathroom, and I didn't stop until about 8AM...
Thank god my son slept through most of it (as did his father
) My poor mother was up all night making me peppermint tea and getting awakened by the most disturbing sounds everytime she tried to go back to sleep... Thank you, mom
You the best.
Ok, so Saturday was rough. I spent all day hanging out with my family, in my pajamas, vowing to never drink again. At 4PM, I went to one of my client's hair salons to get my complimentary treatement/cut/dye for the occasion... Which turned out SUPER, but unfortunately, made me late for dinner reservations we had made at the Salsa club at 7:30pm...
So, we got there late, and everyone was beat, and hung over from the night before... just when they were giving the complimentarly salsa dance lesson, our dinner was arriving, so unforunately, we couldn't partake
Nobody other than gypsygrrrl and I was interested in dancing anyway (too cool for school
), so we tried to join the crowd at a certain point, but were too lost to figure out all the freaking steps... We stood at the bar, to at least observe others for a few minutes and try to absorbe some of the steps and at least take in the atmosphere, but creepy old men started asking us to dance (wallflower syndrome), so we quickly bailed back to our table, and proceeded to eat, drink, and watch everyone else have a blast instead.
The band was great, the food was ok, though overpriced, but overall, we had a good time.
After that, it was Martini Bar time! We went to one of the best in the city, which was close to my parents' house, and I knew I would be getting a phonecall once Luke woke up (he wakes up around 1am and cries for his mamma inconsolably, like a wee little baby) - so it was nice and convenient for me to be able to bolt to him quickly.
We each ordered something different, and sampled them all - (I had a Chocolate Sunday martini) - they were all delicious! We sat by the fireplace, and talked about sophisticated subjects such as the weirdest thing you've ever inserted into your vagina, and what exactly is "Canadian" cuisine??? Lemme tell ya, edible items came up in both conversations...
The phonecall came just after midnight, so we had to call it a night, and prepare for the big day...
Sunday Sunday Sunday!
Hung out with the famdamily during the day, and took off for gypsygrrrl's place around 8pm. A few folks that were supposed to come out bailed, but it's ok, I'll let them live. THIS TIME...
We had Amato's and french beer, and watched Blue Velvet, which I think everyone other than me found disturbing (or boring, I'm not sure)...
We made our way to the club just before 11pm, only to be horribly dissapointed by what was supposed to be the biggest, baddest, best strip club in the city... Perhaps the fact that it was half-dead - other half filled with rednecks and wannabe homies, and that the dancers were about as enthusiastic (and talented) as the chair I am sitting on, had something to do with it... I don't know.
Either way, I wasn't feeling it, and was definitely not interested in getting my birthday lapdance in that sad joint... We waited for everyone to get there, and then quickly bailed back to the trusty neighbourhood club downtown instead...
We got there just after 1am, the place was booming, the girls were all over the place, so we ran to perverts' row, and ordered as many drinks as possible before last call... Shortly after we arrived, the girl I originally had in mind for my lapdance came on (I had seen her dance a few weeks earlier), so suddenly, the night was taking a turn for the better... When she got of the stage, I had an idea, and asked her if she did couples...
She agreed, so I draged my partner in crime to the back, and we had our first combo lapdance ever!!! It was so much fun, even though it was sorta crowded (they were renovating the section of the club with the big lapdance space, apparently) and pretty shortlived - the song ended pretty quickly... But once we were done, my male counterpart took off, and I had my own private dance to make up for it
Soon, it was 2:30am and closing time, so we said our goodbyes, and headed home.
Overall, I must say I had a super time, and if I wasn't so exhausted from writing this long-ass journal entry, I would be more enthusiastic about expressing my gratitude for the good times had, at this point, but alas...
'till next time,
over and out.

First of all, thanks to everyone for dropping in to wish me a happy birthday, you guys rock!

I just got home, and found I was accepted into the SGCanada East group, which I am really excited about, given the upcoming prom plans and all... Finally, a prom I actually want to go to!!!

Anyway, back to the birthday...
Shoutouts to gypsygrrrl, my soulsistah, and Aaron, the brother I never had (who flew out from LA for the occasion!), they both spent endless amounts of their time and money on me this weekend, and I can only love them for it, and hope that they had as good of a time as I did... (BTW, Aaron's getting an SG membership from me as a thank you gift shortly, so you guys will be seeing him around here pretty soon)
As for how the weekend turned out, here goes:
Friday Night
gypsygrrrl already pretty much covered it in my last journal entry...
A little more in depth, as per the psychic experience:
My wonderful spouse who's been putting up with my shit for the last 4 years, is apparently, in for a lifetime of it

Oh, oh, the most important thing! She told me that I, myself, am in fact incredibly psychic, and that I need to get in tune with it, because I've been completely ignoring it... I wonder - does this mean that we could've saved the $60??

Ok, so after, we went for a delicious sushi dinner, wich is an important little tid-bit of information, given what follows.
At the bar, I had the most FANTASTIC time, but I must say that I definitely outdid myself in terms of drinking... I was quite surprised at how well I was doing, considering how much I had to drink - only to find out, once at home, that my tolerance for alcohol is definitely not all that I thought it was... I spent the ENTIRE night losing my sushi in my parents' bathroom, and I didn't stop until about 8AM...
Thank god my son slept through most of it (as did his father

Ok, so Saturday was rough. I spent all day hanging out with my family, in my pajamas, vowing to never drink again. At 4PM, I went to one of my client's hair salons to get my complimentary treatement/cut/dye for the occasion... Which turned out SUPER, but unfortunately, made me late for dinner reservations we had made at the Salsa club at 7:30pm...
So, we got there late, and everyone was beat, and hung over from the night before... just when they were giving the complimentarly salsa dance lesson, our dinner was arriving, so unforunately, we couldn't partake

Nobody other than gypsygrrrl and I was interested in dancing anyway (too cool for school

The band was great, the food was ok, though overpriced, but overall, we had a good time.
After that, it was Martini Bar time! We went to one of the best in the city, which was close to my parents' house, and I knew I would be getting a phonecall once Luke woke up (he wakes up around 1am and cries for his mamma inconsolably, like a wee little baby) - so it was nice and convenient for me to be able to bolt to him quickly.
We each ordered something different, and sampled them all - (I had a Chocolate Sunday martini) - they were all delicious! We sat by the fireplace, and talked about sophisticated subjects such as the weirdest thing you've ever inserted into your vagina, and what exactly is "Canadian" cuisine??? Lemme tell ya, edible items came up in both conversations...

The phonecall came just after midnight, so we had to call it a night, and prepare for the big day...
Sunday Sunday Sunday!
Hung out with the famdamily during the day, and took off for gypsygrrrl's place around 8pm. A few folks that were supposed to come out bailed, but it's ok, I'll let them live. THIS TIME...

We had Amato's and french beer, and watched Blue Velvet, which I think everyone other than me found disturbing (or boring, I'm not sure)...
We made our way to the club just before 11pm, only to be horribly dissapointed by what was supposed to be the biggest, baddest, best strip club in the city... Perhaps the fact that it was half-dead - other half filled with rednecks and wannabe homies, and that the dancers were about as enthusiastic (and talented) as the chair I am sitting on, had something to do with it... I don't know.
Either way, I wasn't feeling it, and was definitely not interested in getting my birthday lapdance in that sad joint... We waited for everyone to get there, and then quickly bailed back to the trusty neighbourhood club downtown instead...
We got there just after 1am, the place was booming, the girls were all over the place, so we ran to perverts' row, and ordered as many drinks as possible before last call... Shortly after we arrived, the girl I originally had in mind for my lapdance came on (I had seen her dance a few weeks earlier), so suddenly, the night was taking a turn for the better... When she got of the stage, I had an idea, and asked her if she did couples...
She agreed, so I draged my partner in crime to the back, and we had our first combo lapdance ever!!! It was so much fun, even though it was sorta crowded (they were renovating the section of the club with the big lapdance space, apparently) and pretty shortlived - the song ended pretty quickly... But once we were done, my male counterpart took off, and I had my own private dance to make up for it

Soon, it was 2:30am and closing time, so we said our goodbyes, and headed home.
Overall, I must say I had a super time, and if I wasn't so exhausted from writing this long-ass journal entry, I would be more enthusiastic about expressing my gratitude for the good times had, at this point, but alas...
'till next time,
over and out.

but you're not, so once again happy survival of the Birthday Weekend